
I only scrolled down looking for someone, anyone to explain that sentence to me.

It's not funny, it's dangerous.

There, there. We all do. We all do.

Actually we just got the results and empirical data has proven that it was not, in fact, fun. It sucked / was boring.

Wrong tricked me like none other. I was tricked by the cover art, which looked artistic and interesting. I knew nothing going into it. I'm a man who loves Tarkovsky films. Eraserhead. Uhh… "boring" movies in general. Love 'em.

HEY. You need to get back to typing before the librarian sees that you're clearly not working on that To Kill a Mockingbird essay your class is supposed to be writing.

You are my hero.

I feel like Homer Simpsons ordering a giant Australian beer here, but this map is just… okay, I guess. Couldn't they have just shown us all of Middle-earth?

Well someone had to say it.

It's a new monthly feature bringing Gymkata awareness to the world.

The fonts are really nasty. Everyone says "pretty" but I guess I'm missing the prettiness.

Well yeah, because it will actually be worse than this one. Just like the last redesign made things worse. Things CAN get worse. They will.

This guy articulated everything perfectly, AV Club. I will miss you so much!! But maybe in a few years things will be okay again.

Literate is so 2009. The future is motion pictures!

This redesign follows the "just put random crap everywhere and that will make users get sucked right in" school of thought. It's visually/mentally taxing.

Watched this in college, but I thought I was the only person in the world who knew about it. It was on an ancient VHS tape my professor had. I've never been able to find it again. Probably on YouTube, though, like everything else.

I live in Montana and it's really cool. Lots of pawn shops.

I was obsessed with everything TMBG and this album was my favorite of all of theirs in high school. I got the chance to see them live in 1998 or 1999—it was my first concert ever. I remember the one and only disappointing thing was that they didn't play a single track off of John Henry, with the exception of "Spy."

I just got into Tavener a couple of years ago from hearing his "Funeral Canticile" at the beginning of The Tree of Life. Sublime is a word that comes to mind when I think of this man's music. Sacred, also. He will be remembered.

I have no idea on specifics, but the guy actually does some pretty incredible stuff. Google adywan + Star Wars revisited.