
I've never read any of this guy's work but from the descriptions posted it doesn't seem nearly as bad as anything by George Martin (as I mentioned elsewhere). Not that Martin's work is meant to be read by young adults (although I'm sure many do) and not that Martin's writing necessarily condones a

Never got into Xanth as a kid but I do remember having a Xanth-related computer game and thinking it was pretty cool. Anyone else remember this? I'm sure I could just Google it.

HA! That'll teach you guys to make fun of my Matrix Reloaded fan theories!! ALL DOWNVOTED!

FINE here's my reply:

I posted this elsewhere, but I just realized we can up and downvote comments on all the old articles, too! Thank you, Disqus! And thanks for making AV Club a place more and more akin to Reddit or YouTube or whatever other shit-hole places the internet has to offer. Now all we need are inexplicable links to pornography

I also just realized we can now up and downvote comments on all the old articles from years ago! This is like working in the Ministry of Information!! LOVE NEW DISQUS!

I guess so! Thanks, Disqus! Thanks for your permission!!

Am I allowed to reply to this comment?

Sorry, I wasn't actually replying to Good Enough. It's just that I wasn't allowed to reply to Reposted a7x Fan because that post has been flagged. And that's not allowed.

Upvoting and downvoting comments, eh? Welcome my friends. Welcome to the machine. (The machine of suckiness!)

What the fuck happened to AV Club? You guys used to be cool.

It's definitely different from the previous albums, but it has its own charm. Although it's not something I would really revisit any time soon.

I'd like to thank "Songs Not to Get Married to" for helping me through a bad breakup some years ago.

I would like to change my answer to any show by The Tubes in the seventies. Is that allowed?

Always had a deep and abiding sense of nostalgia over that Club Scum scene, and how I wished I could have been a part of that world (I was 15 or 16 when that episode first aired).

I was 18 and living in a tiny farming town in Idaho when this came out. Didn't have a car or any friends, so I just wandered around the town aimlessly. Found the local movie theater playing Mission to Mars. I liked sci-fi, and figured it would be good to get in from out of the cold. Bought myself some hot popcorn and

Um… Mission to Mars. Let's all talk about Mission to Mars for a little while, shall we? I was waiting for someone to bring it up.

When are we going to get the Pixar remake of Heavy Metal that we all want?

Heywood Floyd?

I just moved somewhere that actually has an IMAX screen (or its generic equivalent). But why do they ONLY have to show it in 3D? Why do you hate me so much,
Hollywood? And movie theater corporations? Why? Was it something I