
Let's all pair up romantic comedies from the early aughts with Dune novels. May I suggest reading Dune Messiah while watching About A Boy?

Let's hear it for Starting From Nowhere!! Come on, I can't be the ONLY person who listens to and enjoys that album still?

The WSJ has an article about how money makes you happier!

Love this freaking review. Love it so much. And everything he says about the album is 100% true.

I can only assume you accidentally listened to Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em by mistake, because your comment makes no sense otherwise.

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Attended Ricks College in 1999 and have been fascinated with the concept of Ricks College in the eighties and early nineties ever since. What a weird and wonderful time to be there, in the middle of nowhere. Did they have Craigos back then? And I think I know of that club you mentioned, too. We should be best friends.

This song always made me feel like I needed a shower afterward. It just feels sweaty and gropey. I would hear it on classic rock radio as a kid and fully get the baseball as sex metaphor that I suppose any drooling moron could get. It just had an aura of ickiness to it. I remember feeling that if this is what a sexual

What a great way to die with some dignity.

I got the impression that the reviewer just didn't understand the film.

Whatever company owns Starz and Encore apparently only shows movies in 4:3 ratio. I was at my parents house for a couple of weeks and they had something like 10 different channels of Encore on cable, all shown on this super huge, super expensive HD TV in glorious 4:3 ratio. Stretched out, too (because my parents are


Anything but the KJV just sounds sophomoric to me.

I think that feature of our race got erased sometime between The Shawshank Redemption and Transformers.

But what about that phone charging thing, eh? That's something Millenials can really relate to!

This is unrelated but I didn't want to have to wait a whole other week to ask it:

Make sure to just put a cleaning SD card in your phone every once in a while to give those heads a good scrubbing.

I haven't read the book, but my idea about Junior and the Reverend acting batshit crazy is that the dome is having some kind of negative effect on everyone's sanity. Kinda like Tommyknockers? Have they said as much in the show, or is this just wishful thinking on my part? Because I'm kind of sick of everyone just

I actually argued with my wife that that girl was not really Joe's sister. Because that was the only explanation that made sense to me. We all just misunderstood, and that girl wasn't really his sister.

I'm glad to read that others think From a Buick 8 is one of his worst books. It may be the worst thing I've ever read by Stephen King. I am still baffled when people say it's "underrated" or whatever. I guess the man just gets to write for fun at this point in his career, but he really should stop publishing things