
How about just "ASS"

The whole point of A.A. or any kind of 12-step addiction recovery is that the addict does not have the power to overcome the addiction alone. It's not about willpower or a lack of it. They just don't have the power to overcome it. I say this as a "former" addict and rehab worker myself, and I believe it. From there it

@avclub-360512be8dd742e39b1273bd837a8e6d:disqus : you sound exactly like someone who has no clue what he is talking about.

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus : You expressed my sentiments exactly, and I've sort of unofficially stopped commenting for the exact same reasons. I enjoy reading AV Club, but commenting is not the same. I think it's different due to the ultimate hipster reasoning, too: it got too popular. It's

I said basically the same thing above, but in the pre-whatever-the-fuck-happened-here days, an imposter gimmick of a gimmick was completely normal. Welcomed, even. It would probably start some kind of insane gimmick of a gimmick of a gimmick thread that would just keep going into pure absurdity—and nobody cried about

Is anyone left that remembers this kind of behavior happening all the time on AV Club? Like you could just take someone's avatar and add a mustache to it and start saying crazy things pretending to be them. And before avatars, there were so many fake usernames that popped up all the time. Zodaic Melonfarmers and

I'm a h.s. English teacher and the man whose room I must use every day (I don't get my own room) is a football coach who also teaches psychology. Last year he showed the following "educational" "psychology" "films"

I did a spit take with that line about Fight Club. That was really, really funny.

Moroni was no jabroni, bro. He won all his matches.

Is it just one of those things where they know most people don't know or care about it, and so they just don't give a fuck? That's my guess. But their contempt for me makes me hate them even more.

Today I learned the name of the thing I detest most about "reality" TV: "Frankenbiting."

I have never read an interview with a reality TV writer until I read this.

He did strike me as vaguely asexual in the movie, but that his asexuality was a cover for his same-sex attractions. That's what I understood the title's meaning to be after this theory dawned on me. Having an erection while she's playing the piano seems to indicate something's going on, but maybe that's what makes

I watched this on Netflix last year early one morning when I was sick with the flu. I started it at 4:30 AM and by the time it ended the sun was starting to rise. Did anyone else get the vibe that it was about a man struggling with his own homosexuality? Or did I just learn some really important stuff about myself

I actually thought this was pretty good, but I'd never listened to their previous stuff.

I'm sick of the "heroin is an orgasm times a thousand" thing, too. I've worked in rehab for years, and it's not. Ain't no fucking ballpark neither. It ain't the same league. It ain't even the same fucking sport.

I love it to bit!

That was NOT what I was expecting—in a good way!

Why is it exploitation? He likes singing his weird songs and we like hearing them.

If there has to be a specific cut-off, then Up is definitely it. Toy Story 3 was a nice animated film and even gut-wrenchingly emotional at times—but it's kind of where things started to go crazy, too. I'm not saying that hellish fire death scene wasn't emotional, but does a scene like that really fit into a movie