
It's probably already been said, but I think Rifftrax work pretty great with some current films that are just terrible. The ones you mentioned are all fantastic, as well as the Twilight series, The Room (not that it needs a Rifftrax, really) Birdemic, Top Gun, High School Musical, The Phantom Menace, Star Trek V, etc.

Going to the talk section of basically any wikipedia page is a great way to feel hopeless. The vigorous ongoing debates about what Pokemon monsters should be included goes on for months, years… This is what I kind of hate about the Wiki world we live in. Everyone has the same amount of expertise on virtually every

It's your field.


Thanks for your recommendation!

So no Missoula, MT?

But… If you think they are a terrible actor or actress, wouldn't it make sense to bring up that they used to be in porn? Pornography isn't really known for it's great acting. Unless you mean that the girls do a good job of acting like they enjoy being ejaculated on by strangers. In which case, maybe she was truly a

When did the AV Club comments turn into the IMDB comments?

So we're supposed to do this for four more years? That's more time than has passed since I watched the first episode of this, huh… It kind of reminds me of watching LOST, except at least with LOST they'd give you 20 episodes or something. This sucks.


This comment calls for the RedLetterMedia row of question marks:

Had this same debate with my wife at the end. I would have thought there'd be no way they'd just allow the soldiers to play with Robb's body. And after rewinding and looking at it again I couldn't even see any arms or legs on that thing. It looked like a makeshift prop to me. My wife insisted that it was real.

I'm from Montana, and it's always a huge deal when David Letterman comes up to spend time in his cabin here. People claim to see him at the grocery store once in a while, and a couple of years ago he even did an interview with the local weatherman for the TV station. Don't know if Letterman already had a cabin in

lol @ "105%"

Who cares if he doesn't believe in something? Does every group so desperately need this guy's approval? He doesn't believe in God or that life has any inherent meaning, either, but I think most believing people can just ignore him. People will argue that he's so influential and that's what the problem is… But is he so

Isn't it about time for an X-Wing / Tie Fighter reboot? I would actually pay for Xbox Live if I could play an updated version of these games against live opponents. EA, make this happen.

Perhaps Brian May is talking about the unfortunate truth that artists nowadays feel more and more compelled to scream just to be heard, whether that be in literature, art, cinema, or music. The internet facilities this addiction to constant approval, and that approval ends up hurting art. Because there has to be a

Yeah, saw that article today after I posted this. Seven seasons sounds good to me, although if they can condense two books' worth of information into a single season, why couldn't they condense this book into one? I've loved the season, but the story feels as though it's turning into a soap opera where nothing ever

So is it for sure that this season is only half of A Storm of Swords (book 3)? Are all the seasons going to be like that from now on? Because as I understand it there are 5 books, 7 planned. Are they saying there are going to be 12 seasons of this? This show is going to go on for 9 more years? I'll be in my forties

Let's not forget that her name sounds a lot like "shit" in French and Italian.