
Or why Asperger's isn't actually even a recognized thing anymore? Because I think the A.P.A. removed it as a diagnosis completely. So in a way all those psychologists were correct in not seeing it.

Any takes for Brave New World?

The lines beautifully sum up the entire theme of the play, do they not?

First Married With Children, now this?!?????!!!!!!

I ALSO saw this on TV once, many years ago when I was a teenager! And I've wondered about it ever since. I could not remember if this film was starring Shelley Duvall or Sissy Spacek, and so I kind of wondered if I had dreamed the whole thing up. I had no idea it was even real. Thanks again. AV Club. You've saved my

I don't have anything to add, I just wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly. That is all.

I wish I'd had High Violet for my earth-shattering heartbreaks. I did have Mercury by American Music Club which was also good, though.

Thank you for this.

The fact that AV Club commenters hate Tim and Eric has always baffled me.

Happened here, too. I thought that NPR suddenly turned on or something. Soon realized that it was the same song sung during the episode… What a wildly stupid choice of music!

Probably the very best closing shot so far, right there.

Pink Floyd basically became another religion to me in high school. I worked my way steadily through every single one of their albums, and it all culminated in The Wall / Final Cut. I still will give them a listen occasionally  but I treat them as almost sacred. In fact, it pisses me off that they play the same cuts so

Despite the fact that I was a teenager living in a small town in Montana throughout the nineties, Pink Floyd's (or Roger Waters if you wish) The Final Cut spoke to me in a way that has never been replicated by any art before or since. I realize it's this weird post-war melodramatic mopey thing about losing your father

Can we get a source on this wonderful gem of a story?

The problem is that you attempted to better define a philosophy or world-view that everyone here enjoys mocking. The same thing would have happened had you attempted to explain the values of Mormons, or the reasons why people like Tim and Eric, or Skrillex. Nobody wants to  start an actual dialogue on any of these

I would like to pretend that, too. Can I pretend?

I read that about eight times before scrolling down for help.

I don't know who Sarah Palin is and I don't care.

I must have been the key demographic for Gummo, being a 16 year old growing up in a small town in Montana in 1997 or whenever Gummo came out. My friend and I always saw it on a shelf at the video store, and we joked about it for months. Finally we decided to go for it, and it was stunning. I still remember that lazy

When I was just a lad I somehow got a hold of a couple of issues of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book, and both issues I had were "silent" ones. I still remember poring over them again and again, never really understanding what the whole story was about but being fascinated by them nonetheless. Kind