
I guess angrier wasn't a good word choice, because I agree that overall it is nicer. But I stand by blander. Everyone IS nicer, and maybe that's actually a part of what turns me off from it? They're nicer to the point where this place feels like a really inviting reddit. Maybe what I actually miss is the crazy mean

That one chick has got such a smokin' body, too. She's perfect.

I've been hanging around on AV Club since about 2006. I used to read it in print when I lived in NYC. I am now 31 years old. In recent months and maybe even years, I have noticed the commenters slowly changing—or am I the one who has changed? I am not sure. Probably both. But in recent months I feel that the overall

It's dumb as hell but it sure is fucking stupid.


I can't explain exactly why, but that scene from Fire Walk With Me is maybe the most terrifying thing I've ever seen on film. Maybe it's because nothing else had ever matched what it was like to have a nightmare quite so much as it… But it still gives me chills just thinking about it. Love it.

Can we please get this made with old Leia and old Luke and old Han Solo and stuff? And like Luke is this old Jedi master who senses some kind of darkness gathering in the nether reaches of the galaxy? I don't need them to all be in it, but some tasteful cameos a la Leonard Nimoy in new Star Trek would be awesome.


My late teenage years were all about Stanley Kubrick. My stoner friends also dug him because he made Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket and The Shining. But the one film that mystified me even more than 2001: A Space Odyssey was Barry Lyndon. And only now that I'm in my thirties do I feel that I can attempt to

I don't get the Ricky hate around here. I mean damn. If The Office and Extras isn't lifetime pass, then what is?!?!

I don't need AV Club to be Reddit, guys. I really don't.

Uhh… The AV Club will now be exclusively printed on receipt paper.

Let's not leave out imbeciles and morons!


I only learned of the existence of Ms. New Booty thanks to this wonderful gal:

I got into Joy of a Toy years back (still enjoy that one), mostly because I was digging into the Syd Barrett solo albums and someone or something recommended it to me. I found a torrent or something with tons of Kevin Ayers albums and I was overwhelmed but I never really went back to it. What should I try next?

Made a mix CD for my future wife with one of his songs on it. Yes, it was Lady Rachel. Yes, her name is Rachel.

As long as this means NPR will start playing old Adam Sandler albums after Morning Edition then I am fine with it.

Dammit, Jay, I was going to make the same joke. But I was sitting here thinking, "What is the MOST feminine play you can think of?" and all I could come up with was Steel Magnolias or some such nonsense.

When I was 19 and living in New York City I came across a CD by a band called Grain. That may have been the name of the album… It was a demo CD and there was a good chance it may have been a Christian band for all I know, but it was still really pretty and I became kind of obsessed with it for a month. Then I learned