
I'm from Montana where these things are nonexistent, so I have no clue… But why would KFC or Ashley Furniture want to purchase an entire stadium? Or do they just pay for the right to name it? Is it just a moronic way of advertising?

I'm from Montana where these things are nonexistent, so I have no clue… But why would KFC or Ashley Furniture want to purchase an entire stadium? Or do they just pay for the right to name it? Is it just a moronic way of advertising?

I was just commenting on how she was passing out condoms to the volleyball team and how there's a debate (for some reason) on whether or not high schools ought to be handing out condoms to its students. And I used to be all for it, but now that I'm a high school teacher I realized it's a stupid practice.

I was just commenting on how she was passing out condoms to the volleyball team and how there's a debate (for some reason) on whether or not high schools ought to be handing out condoms to its students. And I used to be all for it, but now that I'm a high school teacher I realized it's a stupid practice.

I never thought about this before, but if we expect teens to be responsible enough for sex, can't they be responsible enough to buy their own damn rubbers? Yes, I realize some (most) are going to be too ashamed or irresponsible to do it… but who cares? If they're confident enough to be fornicatin', they need to learn

I never thought about this before, but if we expect teens to be responsible enough for sex, can't they be responsible enough to buy their own damn rubbers? Yes, I realize some (most) are going to be too ashamed or irresponsible to do it… but who cares? If they're confident enough to be fornicatin', they need to learn

I'm literally complaining about people complaining, actually. You're literally complaining about someone complaining about other people complaining.

I'm literally complaining about people complaining, actually. You're literally complaining about someone complaining about other people complaining.

I think I hear more from the "Christmas is a pagan winter-fest" crowd than I ever hear from the "remember the reason for the season" crowd. Yes, we get it. Does this mean I should go around to atheists and remind them constantly, "HAY ACTUALLY CHRISTMAS WAS A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY ABOUT JESUS BEFORE IT WAS COMMERCIALIZED!

I think I hear more from the "Christmas is a pagan winter-fest" crowd than I ever hear from the "remember the reason for the season" crowd. Yes, we get it. Does this mean I should go around to atheists and remind them constantly, "HAY ACTUALLY CHRISTMAS WAS A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY ABOUT JESUS BEFORE IT WAS COMMERCIALIZED!

Love it.

Love it.

I wonder how many Americans proclaim a faith and how many actually make any choices whatsoever that are motivated by religious belief. I only say this because there are a ton of so-called Christians around here but they regularly engage in pre-marital sex, pornography, recreational drug use, adultery, hating other

I wonder how many Americans proclaim a faith and how many actually make any choices whatsoever that are motivated by religious belief. I only say this because there are a ton of so-called Christians around here but they regularly engage in pre-marital sex, pornography, recreational drug use, adultery, hating other

Also something about Dr. Who in there, please.

Also something about Dr. Who in there, please.

But why is it that when any so-called Christian holiday comes around there are all these people crowing about how it's not actually Christian and it was just some pagan holiday thousands of years ago? Yes, perhaps converted Christians used a pre-made holiday and dressed it up in the trappings of Christianity a long

But why is it that when any so-called Christian holiday comes around there are all these people crowing about how it's not actually Christian and it was just some pagan holiday thousands of years ago? Yes, perhaps converted Christians used a pre-made holiday and dressed it up in the trappings of Christianity a long

One thing I never understood about atheism is the drive in some atheists to proselytize it to others, especially when considered in light of the belief that when we die nothing we did will matter one iota. So who cares what crazy crap people believe? There have always been atheists and there have always been believers.

One thing I never understood about atheism is the drive in some atheists to proselytize it to others, especially when considered in light of the belief that when we die nothing we did will matter one iota. So who cares what crazy crap people believe? There have always been atheists and there have always been believers.