
Clearly women who get ejaculated on by strangers for money are in perfect mental health and any women who find the thought of being ejaculated on by strangers to be the least bit unappealing are just stuck up bitches! Thanks, study!

Clearly women who get ejaculated on by strangers for money are in perfect mental health and any women who find the thought of being ejaculated on by strangers to be the least bit unappealing are just stuck up bitches! Thanks, study!

But the characters are all Russians speaking Russian, not Russians speaking English with Russian accents.

But the characters are all Russians speaking Russian, not Russians speaking English with Russian accents.

I totally agree that life's too short to waste on crap, but that doesn't stop me from wasting it on crap nonetheless. How many hours have I already wasted? How many internet flash games, how many episodes of Saved by the Bell or The Price is Right, how many MST3K movies, how many YouTube videos? As much as I love the

I totally agree that life's too short to waste on crap, but that doesn't stop me from wasting it on crap nonetheless. How many hours have I already wasted? How many internet flash games, how many episodes of Saved by the Bell or The Price is Right, how many MST3K movies, how many YouTube videos? As much as I love the

If it's douchey to get drunk and enjoy shitty movies by yelling things, then I guess I love douches. Because that sounds fun. Would it be more or less douchey to simply not watch Twilight because it's terrible?

If it's douchey to get drunk and enjoy shitty movies by yelling things, then I guess I love douches. Because that sounds fun. Would it be more or less douchey to simply not watch Twilight because it's terrible?

That's more like "this website," but yes. Let's.

That's more like "this website," but yes. Let's.

Nothing really wins against "abortion footage" in the contest of unsettling-ness. Just a great pairing of words right there.

Nothing really wins against "abortion footage" in the contest of unsettling-ness. Just a great pairing of words right there.



They didn't ask it last time and they didn't ask it this time! As far as I remember.

They didn't ask it last time and they didn't ask it this time! As far as I remember.

Panic Room. How I detest that film. And Jared Leto's character in that film.

Panic Room. How I detest that film. And Jared Leto's character in that film.

If Peter Jackson can pull of The Hobbit in video, then I guess that would be a big boost to its credibility. I adore Peter Jackson and I had similar doubts about making the Lord of the Rings into a movie ten years ago. However, since LOTR he made King Kong and the Lovely Bones..? I loved King Kong initially but I have

If Peter Jackson can pull of The Hobbit in video, then I guess that would be a big boost to its credibility. I adore Peter Jackson and I had similar doubts about making the Lord of the Rings into a movie ten years ago. However, since LOTR he made King Kong and the Lovely Bones..? I loved King Kong initially but I have