
And the kids in my high school math book all lived in some world where every third person was in a wheelchair for some reason.

The don't need to make a Dark Tower movie because we already have Return to Oz. Wonderfully terrifying movie, and a treasured piece of childhood that I'm going to force on my future kids.

The don't need to make a Dark Tower movie because we already have Return to Oz. Wonderfully terrifying movie, and a treasured piece of childhood that I'm going to force on my future kids.

For years I just accepted that Yoko broke up the Beatles, as this was basically common knowledge passed on to me by my parents and such. But there was this really insightful interview I read online that John did with Playboy right before he died, and he makes it fairly apparent that they broke up for a multitude of

For years I just accepted that Yoko broke up the Beatles, as this was basically common knowledge passed on to me by my parents and such. But there was this really insightful interview I read online that John did with Playboy right before he died, and he makes it fairly apparent that they broke up for a multitude of

I Want You To Want Me?! Unacceptable!

I Want You To Want Me?! Unacceptable!

I'm still pissed that my high school year book staff used this song as the theme for the yearbook. I like countries and heaven, thank you very much. I'd rather imagine a heaven than live in some nihilistic nightmare where crap like this makes billions of dollars and African children are starving to death.

I'm still pissed that my high school year book staff used this song as the theme for the yearbook. I like countries and heaven, thank you very much. I'd rather imagine a heaven than live in some nihilistic nightmare where crap like this makes billions of dollars and African children are starving to death.

It's the philosophical noodlings of a hypocritical fourteen year old and it's boring.

It's the philosophical noodlings of a hypocritical fourteen year old and it's boring.



At least it sounds like it was easy to write. That cover, though. That van.

At least it sounds like it was easy to write. That cover, though. That van.

He could have at least sold that to Baroness and made a pretty sweet album cover. The guy who painted the sno-cone shack told me he made 400 bucks!

He could have at least sold that to Baroness and made a pretty sweet album cover. The guy who painted the sno-cone shack told me he made 400 bucks!

Just remember to bring your copy of The Scarlet Letter and keep quiet while I indoctrinate you with my liberal agendas. You guys can bring pop on Fridays.