
This hasn't reached Montana yet but is there a chance I can watch this in theaters not in 3D? Tell me there is.

When I first saw the preview for this I, too, was kinda jazzed. It looked like one of those crappy sci-fi action movies of yore and I thought that I'd probably enjoy it even if it wasn't very good. Still want it to be good, though.

When I first saw the preview for this I, too, was kinda jazzed. It looked like one of those crappy sci-fi action movies of yore and I thought that I'd probably enjoy it even if it wasn't very good. Still want it to be good, though.

I was fifteen when Starship Troopers premiered and I desperately wanted to see it just for the awesome bugs versus space marines thing it had going on in the trailers. I never saw it, and almost a decade later I finally sat down and watched it on Netflix. None of my family or close friends ever told me about this

I was fifteen when Starship Troopers premiered and I desperately wanted to see it just for the awesome bugs versus space marines thing it had going on in the trailers. I never saw it, and almost a decade later I finally sat down and watched it on Netflix. None of my family or close friends ever told me about this

I'm pretty mystified at all these films, as I look back on my life and realize that I'm now thirty years old. Was there really at time when a regular jaggoff like me could walk into a theater on a Friday night, pay a couple of bucks and watch something that's NOT a bloated CG crapfest or any kind of

I'm pretty mystified at all these films, as I look back on my life and realize that I'm now thirty years old. Was there really at time when a regular jaggoff like me could walk into a theater on a Friday night, pay a couple of bucks and watch something that's NOT a bloated CG crapfest or any kind of

My town is playing 2016: Obama's America and Finding Nemo 3D, but it's only a matter of time until this gets here, right?

My town is playing 2016: Obama's America and Finding Nemo 3D, but it's only a matter of time until this gets here, right?

The used to have The Tune at our little local video store under the category "weird movies" and my little sister and I used to rent it all the time. 1992 was a great time to be 10 years old and watching cable TV, wasn't it? Liquid Television tapped into something really, really deep in my soul and it changed my life.

The used to have The Tune at our little local video store under the category "weird movies" and my little sister and I used to rent it all the time. 1992 was a great time to be 10 years old and watching cable TV, wasn't it? Liquid Television tapped into something really, really deep in my soul and it changed my life.

I didn't have HBO but I was about the same age when this came out and I just remember renting this movie a lot and watching it a lot. I remember the sex scene made me feel uncomfortable, but I thought the super-realistic video games of the future looked effing spectacular. I still want those to be real.

I didn't have HBO but I was about the same age when this came out and I just remember renting this movie a lot and watching it a lot. I remember the sex scene made me feel uncomfortable, but I thought the super-realistic video games of the future looked effing spectacular. I still want those to be real.

The only thing I own by Bobby is Blood on the Tracks, and I want to love him but it all seems like too much for me. There's always this reverence for him that's intimidating. Do I need to know and understand the rest of Bob Dylan to appreciate this particular album?

The only thing I own by Bobby is Blood on the Tracks, and I want to love him but it all seems like too much for me. There's always this reverence for him that's intimidating. Do I need to know and understand the rest of Bob Dylan to appreciate this particular album?

When I was a missionary my friend from Thailand and I used to sing the hymns in church as if we were Bob Dylan. Mostly it was just us sing-speaking off key emphasizing all the wrong words.

When I was a missionary my friend from Thailand and I used to sing the hymns in church as if we were Bob Dylan. Mostly it was just us sing-speaking off key emphasizing all the wrong words.

Both wrong. It's "My Bird Performs." It's about my girlfriend who plays the guitar.

Both wrong. It's "My Bird Performs." It's about my girlfriend who plays the guitar.

Read Deenie in college for a Young Adult Literature class. It was this sad story about a girl with scoliosis until —BAM— out of nowhere I was treated to an underage girl masturbating in a bathtub. It was never referenced in the book again, and I assume the message simply was: masturbating makes you feel better about