
Read Deenie in college for a Young Adult Literature class. It was this sad story about a girl with scoliosis until —BAM— out of nowhere I was treated to an underage girl masturbating in a bathtub. It was never referenced in the book again, and I assume the message simply was: masturbating makes you feel better about

Glad someone else thought so, too.

Multiplicity is one of those movies my parents rented when it came out and I was 15 or 16 and that I was, at first, embarrassed to be enjoying so much because I thought it was supposed to be shite.

Multiplicity is one of those movies my parents rented when it came out and I was 15 or 16 and that I was, at first, embarrassed to be enjoying so much because I thought it was supposed to be shite.

The scene where I realized Batman and Beetlejuice were one and the same person.

The scene where I realized Batman and Beetlejuice were one and the same person.

I wanted to be the one to scream out Jackie Brown but yeah, totally. Just watched it a month ago or so and was thinking about how great Michael Keaton is. He IS that cop in all those scenes. I don't care if it's pulpy or unrealistic, his character is so vividly realized and it just makes the movie a great experience.

I wanted to be the one to scream out Jackie Brown but yeah, totally. Just watched it a month ago or so and was thinking about how great Michael Keaton is. He IS that cop in all those scenes. I don't care if it's pulpy or unrealistic, his character is so vividly realized and it just makes the movie a great experience.

I made Adam Sandler laugh once, which probably isn't something to brag about is it?

I made Adam Sandler laugh once, which probably isn't something to brag about is it?

The AV Club excommunication rites will thus be performed shortly. Please hand in your memories of The Simpsons seasons 1-8 and your Dawes memorabilia collection.

The AV Club excommunication rites will thus be performed shortly. Please hand in your memories of The Simpsons seasons 1-8 and your Dawes memorabilia collection.

Was this another one of those things were there just wasn't enough time, or did he ask to not talk about it? Still great, just too short.

Was this another one of those things were there just wasn't enough time, or did he ask to not talk about it? Still great, just too short.

Well this is a week old but what the heck; it's a missionary moment.

Well this is a week old but what the heck; it's a missionary moment.

I agree with what you're saying but at the same time maybe the iPad is a good place for it because if you're letting a little child play around on an iPad instead of reading a book you just know they're going to have attention disorder somewhere down the line. Books can't compete with iPads in the minds of children.

I agree with what you're saying but at the same time maybe the iPad is a good place for it because if you're letting a little child play around on an iPad instead of reading a book you just know they're going to have attention disorder somewhere down the line. Books can't compete with iPads in the minds of children.

I've also never met any Mormons who believed that Jesus drove around in wheeled chariots with the Indians because that is not something that Mormons believe. Although it would make for a pretty surreal album cover.

I've also never met any Mormons who believed that Jesus drove around in wheeled chariots with the Indians because that is not something that Mormons believe. Although it would make for a pretty surreal album cover.