
The leveling up aspects do make sense, as well as the story of their origins with a charismatic leader. And yeah, the beginner friendly thing does make sense, too. Maybe it's the devotion you get with beginners as well. Like when someone coverts to Mormonism they kind of have to make a big deal about it because it's

The leveling up aspects do make sense, as well as the story of their origins with a charismatic leader. And yeah, the beginner friendly thing does make sense, too. Maybe it's the devotion you get with beginners as well. Like when someone coverts to Mormonism they kind of have to make a big deal about it because it's

I slogged through the first four, which either says something about my taste or high endurance for pain. But I'd still like to read 'em all one day. Find out how they end. I cast Steve Buscemi as the main guy in that and I thought he did a pretty good job!

I slogged through the first four, which either says something about my taste or high endurance for pain. But I'd still like to read 'em all one day. Find out how they end. I cast Steve Buscemi as the main guy in that and I thought he did a pretty good job!

I must say as a Mormon it always kind of made me feel bad when people picked on Scientology for its wacky beliefs because people have done that to Mormonism from day one. But after all these years I've yet to come across a single practicing Scientologist who was willing to talk to me about his belief system. The

I must say as a Mormon it always kind of made me feel bad when people picked on Scientology for its wacky beliefs because people have done that to Mormonism from day one. But after all these years I've yet to come across a single practicing Scientologist who was willing to talk to me about his belief system. The

Terran all the way.

Terran all the way.

My wife went through a similar phase with Atlas Shrugged in high school, or so she tells me. She grew out of it in college and now believes the book to be Satanic.

My wife went through a similar phase with Atlas Shrugged in high school, or so she tells me. She grew out of it in college and now believes the book to be Satanic.

As a believing Mormon, I respectfully disagree but thank you for sharing your opinion with me!

As a believing Mormon, I respectfully disagree but thank you for sharing your opinion with me!

This just further stokes my interest in the world of Scientology. Anyone ever listen to any of the advertised "soundtracks" to the books? Because I still occasionally find little mail-in cards with some imagined score to Battlefield Earth and Mission: Earth supposedly composed by L. Ron Hubbard.

This just further stokes my interest in the world of Scientology. Anyone ever listen to any of the advertised "soundtracks" to the books? Because I still occasionally find little mail-in cards with some imagined score to Battlefield Earth and Mission: Earth supposedly composed by L. Ron Hubbard.

Holy crap that sucks. I finally found a band that my 31-year-old self can actually rock to that's contemporary, and they get into a crash. I hope they are all okay!

Holy crap that sucks. I finally found a band that my 31-year-old self can actually rock to that's contemporary, and they get into a crash. I hope they are all okay!

I have a very soft spot for pulpy science fiction and I've actually read the first four books of the Mission: Earth series. I've never met a single other person who has read and enjoyed any of these books but they have GOT to be out there, right? Because I've only accumulated my collection from second-hand stores and

I have a very soft spot for pulpy science fiction and I've actually read the first four books of the Mission: Earth series. I've never met a single other person who has read and enjoyed any of these books but they have GOT to be out there, right? Because I've only accumulated my collection from second-hand stores and

I'm still here.

I'm still here.