
I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

you’d have to look at it brand by brand even item by item. I own a store and we have a section of made in america items, but it’s harder to find than you’d think. A brand has to make the choice to provide them and do the work to make them here and it’s just easier not too and much much cheaper.

dude couldn’t even turn a profit on a casino.

We use the word tessitura, which is how long a song lives up high. Now she’s singing in a range and a tessitura that is uncommon for her but is common for many of these other leading female artists.

Well-trained singers do lose a tone or two off the top of their range somewhere in their 30s, but it’s mainly the timbre and flexibility of the voice that changes with age. It’s like gymnasts - they will always maintain their technique, and if they keep up their training they will maintain most of their flexibility

Too bad she can’t enunciate, tho. :(

Mariah Carey is/was stupid talented. I could never figure out the whistle register. I will stan for Mariah all day.

I also hate how the music industry assumes that we all want to hear the higher range all the time.

I’m not sure I like the song, but I’m also not sure why the coach is equating having a higher belt-range with being a better singer. Just because you can sing higher notes louder doesn’t make you objectively sing better than someone with a different range/timbre. Signed, a Bitter Contralto.

Seriously people? Do you not listen to ANY hard rock with female vocalists? ‘Cause that’s how it sounds and it is awesome. I’m kind of impressed that Lady Gaga gave this style a try. Always love people stretching themselves and trying something different. Also, you are doing yourself a major disservice because there

I hope so! That’s the aim anyway :D

Jesus, thank you! Why don’t people get that abortion, a legal medical procedure, is part of women’s healthcare?

That’s literally all anyone who goes to a Planned Parenthood ever does.

I would love her to just say she needed her vagina looked at. And then say the word vagina as many times as possible Then ask him about his penis and ask for all documentation he has on it. I mean, seriously, could this be anymore childish?!

she also used Planned Parenthood to access health care.

Wow so the largest organized gang in America also takes turns raping an under age girl? Shocking!

It’s really hard to ‘respect the badge’ when the ones wearing it don’t, either.

omg “sweet smelly fatty fats” is so funny but painfully accurate and now i feel like the ghosts of all of my labs are waiting for me outside of my bedroom door. “Please let us in, we just want to fart on you one more time.”

Good dog, Charlie Bear.