
Abusive partners being jealous of their OWN CHILDREN is real, y’all. I work with domestic violence victims and I have heard a LOT of people say that their children’s other parent has made statements about feeling jealous of how much attention the kids get instead of them. I would not be surprised if this POS had been

the story made me cry and then your comment made me burst out laughing and also cry again hahaha WHAT IS HAPPENING

It’s one of the most relatable things she’s ever done.

Haha SAME - public proposals are a scourge but ugh gotta dry my tears... Although I think this definitively means that the public proposal is OVER since no one ever has a chance of topping that.

Now playing

Brandy and Monica did this (great) song together in 2012. I smell *publicity* feud... Right??

This really puts Ben Carson’s legendary (non)reaction during the robbery of a “Popeye’s institution” into a fun light, huh?