
Pretty sure the only way I can get through this article is with a hefty dose of soma.

I was born in 70 and I’ve been respectfully pointing out how precarious our situation was as women was since 85, only to be quickly dismissed because that attitude was deemed old fashioned.

More and more, childlessness is the silver lining.

I have one of those sisters too.

Oh my God.

As a Canadian, I am fairly expert on how to incorporate snowflakes into your day to day style. In this scenario, I have to give it up to Will Arnett; not just for choosing appropriate footwear but more importantly for the classic squinty ah ah there’s snow in my eyeballs expression, which elevates the look with

Well that is depressing as fuck to look back on, isn’t it? It’s only been two years since Annalee wrote it and the United States has already started trying to run backwards in time with women’s rights.

Dear “Really Great, But...”

Listen to the Doc on this one. There’s a world of difference between being a “nice person” and being the sort of person who excites long-term desire (and possibly commitment) in another. While those two things are not mutually exclusive (in fact, they often go together), they do not have to

EVERY damn story of food stamp abuse I’ve ever heard always cites “steaks and seafood! Carts full of steaks and seafood!!” But then when you talk to SNAP users how much steak and seafood are they eating? None. I’m not saying you’re wrong but.... I think you’re wrong.

I`m in the middle of watching The Ascent of Woman on Netflix. Highly recommended. History is filled with examples of civilizations where women’s rights were wiped out from civilizations depending on leadership, wealth inequality and politics. But there were always civilizations in one form or another where women have

Remember when the future was so bright you had to wear shades?

This. I am desperate enough over the future with only me to look after. Loving my family and friends and having cats feels like enough of an obligation, should things go sideways. I don’t want any children who might need to rely on me when I lose control over my bank accounts because I’m a woman.

Woof. Hell of a backlash we’re looking at right now. I want to believe the people who say that it’s the last flameout of this way of viewing the world but I’m afraid it might not be...

Holy shit that is terrifying.

Oh that is just terrifying. That’s early stage handmaid’s tale right there.

We (progressives) got complacent. I got complacent. I will own that.

That sounds pretty accurate for our new leadership over here on this side of the ocean, too.

Angela Merkel, leader of the free world, summed up Putin pretty succinctly: ‘I understand why he has to do this — to prove he’s a man,’ she told a group of reporters. ‘He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.’

Just gonna throw this out there because it’s very heavy on my mind.