
They have a 3 yr old, a 2 yr old and another one almost born and they are living in a motel room. No, I'm not at all surprised they would keep a loaded handgun accessible to children. I imagine their whole world is just one bad decision after another.

I ordered this book on Nov. 28. It was to be my Christmas present. From what I've learned today, after trolling several LIW-related FB sites, it appears that the cut-off for shipping copies from the second printing was Nov. 20 or thereabouts. Sigh.

Meh. Not like we actually need more humans.

But we'd have to listen to her wordsaladitis.... in that screechy voice.

Except that nazi flags aren't used by current day germany anymore, while the rising sun flag is still closely related to Japanese culture.

William and Ellen married in 1846—their masters allowed the union, but would not allow the couple to live together.

Absolutely incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing it. What an amazing journey.

So they don't tell anyone about a potential murder. But they tell people they didn't tell people about a potential murder? I mean …

To tell you the truth, the Mad Men nostalgia craze always annoyed me.

I'm Hispanic—let me tell you about how white people do not have the market cornered on parents letting their kids do crazy shit. Not by a damn sight.

Over Christmas, my aunt said (in response to a character in a period drama who had recovered from polio): "I can remember all the kids who'd had polio in their calipers and wheelchairs... It was awful."

In several European countries (perhaps all of them, I don't know), not vaccinating your kid is illegal. To be able to put your kid through school, they have to be vaccinated. It's just common sense, really.

At the beginning of the Ebola media frenzy I read this NPR article about how throughout history it's been a very human response to simply deny even basic science in the face of seemingly unpredictable diseases. In part it reads:

She was probably swapped as an infant by evil anti-science fae.

I am so FUCKING GLAD (praise the Lord - if I wasn't atheist) that not vaccinating your kid is illegal in the country I currently live (as an expat).

I used to work with a woman I am still FB friends with who has gone full anti-vax, as well as anti-gluten, food is medicine (but also poison!! GMOs!!! Arsenic and mercury and other bad stuff!!!) and generally believes most medical internet hoaxes. We got into it once and she told me that if I had been through what

This is awful. I knew this happened to a relative in my family and honestly, when I found out the children were being around a woman recovering from cancer with no immune system - I hit the roof. People are so fucking selfish about vaccinations. The reason you have them is also not to kill other people!

Not to make light of the situation- refusing to vaccinate a child for any reason other than allergies is tantamount to child abuse in my eyes, but whenever I see "secret antivaxxer" pointed out, I imagine a secret society where the women and men all wear capes, hang out in abandoned warehouses, and drink gluten-free

I am my family's resident hippie and brought up vaccinating in a conversation with my dad once, but apparently in a distressingly neutral way. His face was all, "Oh god, I will eat the black bean brownies and tolerate the kale chips, but not this...." The look of relief when I said that of course people should get

Both of my brothers-in-law managed to marry anti-vaxxers and spit out a bunch of kids. I have not had any children, but if/when I do, I'm actually already paranoid about letter my pre-vaccinated baby hang out with their brood of un-vaccinated kids (whom I love and worry incessantly for).