
When I think about your comment and also think about the comments people left on the Darren Wilson GoFundMe support page about how cops need our full support and how cops can do no wrong it makes me cringe.

That's cruel.

It's astonishing. My rule is: never put something in writing that could bite me on the arse later. My brother and I work for the same company, if we wanna bitch about something work related we either call or wait til we see each other. I never put it on fb, despite my fb being unbelievably locked down - not my real

I don't know. Perhaps it's generational? I wouldn't post that I had a bad day at work online but the things I see some people posting blows my mind. Privacy. It's not just something you demand from your parents.

Well...as a 39 year old female dating a 18 year old, I guess I've said enough.

Don't forget handwriting. They don't teach that anymore either.

I can work that out since I know my multiplication tables 'by heart.' Kids who don't know their multiplication tables but know how multiplication works, make errors and don't get the correct answer. I work with kids and see it all the time. All rote memorization is not bad.

Maybe we should put educators back in charge of education.

Because you're a douche.

Don't kid yourself into thinking that this "fundamentalist view of modesty" was something the women of the Muslim world chose for themselves. It was forced upon them by centuries of religious misogyny. The fact that some women have internalized the body shame their culture raised them with does not change that fact.

I live in Georgia and I have to third this sentiment. I'd love to respond like how I think I should and be like "girl, you express your religiosity however you see fit- do you!" but instead I'm like "ohmygawd you must be like the hottest person around right now - do you need some ice water - let me get you a fan."

OMG, I read that book, too! So creepy.

Can we bring hat pins back? I love big hats with a wide brim, and they offer some shade, but they look stupid jammed down on your head, and they fly away to easily if you wear them just so on your head without a pin. Or maybe just a comb attached inside the brim to grab your hair.

I second that! I just downloaded sparkpeople last night, we will see how long this lasts.

This. I don't like the implication the article seems to be making that summer blockbusters are only supposed to appeal to dude bros and that women are only supposed to see things like Frozen or the Fault in our Stars.

Of course it's okay. We're talking about a 9-year-old, not a 4-year-old.

oh oh, that does sound like me except I am not married nor dating... but sailor moon is THE BEST. My chin hairs make despair though D:

I mean, basically. And now I have a boyfriend who watches SMC with me, does the dishes, and helps pluck the chin hairs I can't see

I think the nicest thing about my present relationship is that I decided very early on to not lie about anything. If anything, I may have slightly over-exaggerated my worst traits to try and see if my boyfriend scares easily (he doesn't). Every time he was like 'You're really great', I'd throw out another Terrible

Ahahaha! I'm only 19, and I've already stopped giving any fucks about how "fuckable" I am. Caring about how sexy I appear or act all the time gets tiring and takes too much time, it's not my job to be an object of sexual desire, and I feel no need to place my self-worth on something that by nature devalues me as a