
Let them also please remember that the focus should be on saving the woman who's, ahem, attached to the boobies. And sometimes, saving her means getting rid of the boobies. But that would make boners sad, so we don't bring that up.

SERIOUSLY. What, are you going to pressure me into letting you grope me for blindness? Let you call me a "cunt" for tourette's? HA HA, yes, please, pressure me into letting you be oppressive to me in a way that's vaguely related to some charity.

So, this video combines three things that I love; Always Sunny, adorable Japanese kids and a terrible backing music. So I can only extrapolate that I am a heartless ice-wench for really not liking this video. WHY? WHY BRAIN? LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE! LOOK. HOW. CUTE.

I am only just catching up on news and after reading this story I just feel sick as it's so disturbingly similar to something that happened to a best friend of mine growing up. Our group were between the ages of 11 (yes) and 12. Without getting too super detailed she snuck out with some older boys (between the ages of

Providing emotional support is so important. One of the nicest things I had ever heard of anyone doing to support someone with breast cancer was what my friend did for her ex-boyfriend's mother. The poor woman started having like night terrors, she couldn't fall asleep because she felt so unsafe. I don't know if that

Slacktivism! Breeding self-congratulatory smugness while simultaneously doing nothing positive for anyone affected by the terrible thing you've decided to champion!

I can't agree more. When I see those posts, especially about cancer, I always counter with the argument that most people know that cancer exists. You kind of have to be living with your head in the sand to not be aware of cancer. You don't need to spread awareness, you need to do something. I've spent the past 2

Wait... you mean... posting the location in my home where I put my purse in a way that implies it's where I like to have sex is not curing breast cancer!?

I pretty much have to stay off Facebook until October. My mom had a double mastectomy in September of last year and she had 3 additional surgeries after the initial mastectomy. Until recently, I was the only person without an MD to see my mom without a shirt because I was the only person she felt comfortable seeing

I couldn't agree with you more. I also had the "friendship" problems you mentioned. Quiet, shy, and an awkward "four eyes," I was usually the one being bullied, being pushed around, and being forced to say sorry when I had done nothing wrong. My own fourth-grade teacher once said to me in front of the whole class:

I literally remember girls in my class deciding who to hate that week! As in, one of my friends coming up to me at lunch and saying, "Hate Melanie." Luckily, I went to such a small grade/middle school that it was too small for that kind of stuff to go on; we were all kind of stuck with each other and there wasn't a

Anytime anyone posts something like "like to show you care," or "like to show you support XYZ cause." I get irrationally angry. What on earth does liking some vapid phrase in a public forum actually do? Absolutely nothing-if you want to support a cause how about doing something for it rather then supporting random

Totally agree! Remember a couple of years ago when everyone was posting their bra color on Facebook to help raise awareness? Well, a few months later I was raising money for a cancer organization. I posted a link for donations on Facebook and not a single person who posted their bra color made a donation (or even

Exactly, but if you say anything, you're a spoil sport. Like it's a party that you're ruining for everyone. Uggh.

I totally get that the economy took a hard toll on people my age, but I still think there's this disconnect that is being hidden by all the "awareness" everyone's pushing. We're being fed this idea that a retweet or an online petition signature means we've done our part and that we deserve a pat on the back for

I'm not making blanket statements — circumstances should always dictate the course of action — apart from "Cats will hunt wildlife". That's going to be true no matter where you live. Cat owners need to recognize that little Smuffy is a cold-blooded killer who doesn't care whether the corpse he's batting around is a


But I liked my friend's post, therefore I have raised awareness of breast cancer!

With you 100% on this one. It drives me nuts!

That was a pretty long list of reptiles and small mammals. Are you sure that all of them are safely out of reach of your cat?