
Here's the invitation

Bony kitteh wants fatty treats!! They are so adorable! Hell yes I would keep feeding Mr. Skinny some fatty treats.

All of a sudden, I'm craving chicken toenails Chinese style.

fat is perfectly healthy for cats and they are probably leaner because you are feeding them good food. From my experience (worked at a wildlife rehab for years) when animals gain a disproportionate amount of weight— when they become fat in a hurry— it is usually attributable to fillers in their food. cheaper pet

That's pretty much the answer I was expecting... Maybe you should wait to dispense all this medical advice after you've spent 4+ years in vet school. And Karen Becker is not a board certified veterinary nutritionist, so I'm not going to put a crazy amount of stock in her "Raw diet is good for your pet" message.

Should be fine! I give my Turkish Angora the occasional treat and she's fine. Turkish Angoras are a really active and slender breed as well (you should see how my cat runs around in the apartment, cat's crazy), and I got the same comment from the vet, that the cat is a bit too thin yet healthy. She's super finicky

I've worked with an integrative holistic vet, and done a lot of research due to fostering cats with chronic issues, such as kidney disease or hyperthyroid. If you'd like more info, you can find out a lot via Dr. Karen Becker. She's amazing. That said, there are plenty of conventional vets that I love, too.

This one Bengal mix I fostered was only 4 lbs! She was so tiny, when I picked her out at animal control (she grabbed me and I had to hold her and then I noticed that she had the giant "E" on her cage card, so I HAD to take her) I thought she was a kitten! Nope, 2 years. She was that tiny. Prettiest cat I have EVER

Ooooo, they're beautiful!

Awww, they are precious! I agree with a few other comments: if the vet says they're OK, then I wouldn't worry overly much. One question, do you feed them dry food at all? My vet recently told me that dry food is more likely to fatten a kitty up. Because wet food has so much protein and water, it tends to create more

Tape worms are a risk from fleas, also. If one flea that contains the cyst gets on the pet and the pet ingests it while grooming, the tape worm infection has occurred. You can certainly reduce your exposure, but you are never free of risk. Commercially-prepared raw diets come from human-grade meat, which lessens the

Tapeworm spend part of their life cycle as tiny cysts in the large muscles, and that's how many get infected: they eat under-cooked meat with tapeworm nymphs in it.

Do the cats have irregular bowel movements? We had a rescue kitty that had a lot of issues and no matter how much it ate was very skinny and always had an upset stomach. After a million vet visits/costly treatments by dad tried just feeding it fresh boiled chicken (cooking it in water so no

I have a Russian Blue cat who was "too skinny" for a while, but the vet said she was in perfect condition and she had zero health problems. Then she got super-stressed and ate herself into pudginess. It's not good for her.

Cats' guts are too short for bacteria to be a problem. They eat non-human-grade raw meat in the wild, after all :)

I have an Ocicat that is the exact same way. I feed him food that costs more than my own food and he still just picks at it, if it isnt gluten free it gives him problems, and even still i worry hes too thin. I make a gravy for him with his food and most of the time he just drinks the soup and leaves the meaty bits

IDK..I have a cat who's so very skinny. Like yours when you pet her you can feel all the bones. And her spine and hips stick out. She too is healthy. Just sooo skinny. Maybe it's the individual cats nature? Cause my girl is a domestic short hair — just a mutt cat.

Raw meat is not bad for your babies. Raw FISH can have parasites (my friends who feed raw to their dogs say you can kill the parasites if you freeze the fish to a certain temperature for a certain length of time, but I don't remember the information because I don't feed fish). But handle the food with the same care

It should be fine on the parasite front, cats digestive systems are actually best suited to processing raw meat, Their digestive tracts are the same as their wild cat predecessors, so they are far more resilient to bacteria and parasites than we are :)

With raw, you do not feed the guts/intestines. Parasites live in the intestines and stomach tissues. Commercial raw takes those out. Also, I think that Bengals are on the skinnier side?