
A reward implies that something is owed or earned. There is nothing that makes a person deserve or be owed sex. Bodily autonomy means that I and only I, have control over my body. It doesn’t matter what you do, how nice you are, how much you agree with me. You still haven’t earned a right to my body.

I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.

Many, many people are sad about this. I am one of them. Good luck!

On the other side, that proposed law can be read to say that men can’t expose their anuses but women can expose them (although they can’t expose their nipples).

Can I just say I really admire your maturity about this? Also,


That just proves my point.

Urge to rampage rising...

Five years.

My husband thinks this is heresy, but I liked the new movie better than “A New Hope”, even as I acknowledge how much it owes to the older film. The dialogue and plot was just more enjoyable.

I am eternally glad not to be a public figure. My brother died suddenly a few years ago and I can’t imagine going through that agony while having the media trying to capture every bit of it.

Is no-one concerned about the portal opening beside her head?

Is this really the most important aspect of the case? I mean, a 12 y/o girl was raped. Let’s talk about the celebrity connection!

If you will read my comment again, you’ll see that I didn’t say that at all.

I started my comment by acknowledging that BDSM relationships are different than rape. James Dean, however, wasn’t in a BDSM relationship. He played a dominant, occasionally aggressive role over and over again. It was that activity that I was inquiring about.

I know there is a real difference between a consentual bdsm relationship and abuse, but I wonder if JD’s career of being paid to ‘pretend’ to degrade and control women in bdsm porn helped corrupt and turn him into the rapist he is, or if he always had those tendencies and that’s why he gravitated to those roles.

I think that has to be the case? Unless she was born into that household (her father still lived with his father), but she wasn’t really a part of it?

I hate that I’d never heard of this woman. Feminist Studies only go so far. Well, I’ll be adding her books to the top of my reading list, at least.

I don’t know anything about you, but as a married, child-free Londoner who’s friends are all starting to have kids and get boring, you sound awesome and I hope everything goes smoothly for you :)

That’s brilliant!