
This is as good a place to ask as any: is there a decent copy of this anywhere? After I read the book a few years back I was really looking forward to watching it and what I saw was beautiful; but the print was horrendously washed out and grainy, the subtitles were garbage, it was pan and scan and Netflix didn't even

Jesus, I've been anticipating that book for so long I honestly forgot about reading the first two.

When can I get Vincent Schiavelli?

The Emmys have been proving their lack of imagination every year for decades now. I think The Amazing Race has won its category every single year it's been on the air.

Even The Principle and the Pauper is a pretty damn solid and funny episode, as I was surprised to discover when I got the DVDs. And it seems kind of silly to me to dump so much hate on the concept when the episode repeatedly goes out of its way to let you know none of this will ever come up again and you can safely

You better not be dissing the Dreamcast. Still my all-time favorite console and so ahead of its time. It only failed cause, like, society wasn't READY, man.

This is beyond perfect.

Heh heh…bueno.

Seriously, why the fuck don't they just adapt Gotham Central? Smallville starring Jim Gordon is something that roughly zero people were asking for.

During a recent move I finally went through the big tub of cassettes and threw out a good 80% of them…but I couldn't dispose of the radio tapes. That was the birth of my music obsession, spending hours after school listening to WHFS with my finger hovering over the record button for anything that sounded remotely

I wish I could like this comment 20 more times. You too, D_Boons_Ghost. I've listened to 100+ hours of shows and I'm still consistently amazed at the depth and breadth of the band's music, and even more amazed at many people's stubborn refusal to approach them with even a cursorily open mind, even when I know they're

Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue! I actually have a VHS copy of this and yes, it's very strange, and yes, it's fun as hell to watch when you're high as a kite.

Seinfeld did this too.

You say that as if Ozzy ever had dignity.

The same thing happened to me with Portishead's Dummy, a friend burned it for me with Biscuit and Glory Box as the opening tracks and then the rest of the album proceeds as normal. I still think it should have been sequenced that way. Mysterons and Sour Times are great songs but kind of an underwhelming way to

And Baby Britain, and Fourth of July, and Tomorrow Tomorrow, and…really, the whole album is perfect.

XO for sure. Then Either/Or. Then everything else.

Mine are Jello Biafra and Newt Gingrich. One year I should invite them both over and watch the fireworks.

I used to not be able to stand her, but her final scene with Cotton made me love her forever. You do not fuck with Peggy's loved ones.

No "Bobby Goes Nuts"? I DON'T KNOW YOU AVCLUB