Lester Spigot

Call me old fashioned, but wouldn't this item have been better if it wasn't dispensed in 140 character chunks?

Drewsef's take is entirely fair, if Edgar Wright made the decision to be involved with Ant Man in a 2016 or 2017 context.

I reckon his pride about having ripped the house apart was a factor.

People in fires normally die from smoke inhalation and lack of oxygen, not from being burned.

The wheelchair is the saving grace for holding the tension with interactions involving Hector Salamanca, IMO.

Think of Jimmy' attempt at repairing the damage he'd done to Irene and the old ducks as an indication of where he is on the journey from Jimmy McGilll to Saul Goodman.

Whether he deposited the cheque or not, Chuck's estate would still get the money from buying him out of the law firm.

Did anyone else notice the barely discernible sound of a car accelerating in
the background straight after Kim says "I crossed three lanes of
traffic, and I don't remember any of it"?

All I want is for the article to reflect the diversity of the community underneath it who comment upon it. Is that so wrong?

The staff writers are obviously what I'm talking about, not the comment section.

This article is such an indictment on the lack of diversity at the AV Club.

Spoilers on the front page, nice work there, AVC.

From what I hear, Bill doesn't have much game, so your wife will be disappointed…but I guess she's probably used to that by now.

It's terrible advice to tell ALONE to read Harry Potter.

I found Jake so annoying in these last 2 episodes that I kinda wanted him to go to prison and get shanked.

If this is really a Joss Whedon show, one of the main cast will kill Hope next week.

Punching also makes you no better than them.

I want a lesbian Jane Bond who acts like a total chauvinist arsehole, as if the Connery era Bond woke up one day in 2017 in a female body.

I grew up watching George Reeves Superman fight for Truth, Justice, and the American way. That's how you do it.

Seriously, yes, he's a chemically constructed super soldier literally wrapped in the American flag.