Lester Spigot

Have some Soma, it will all be fine.

I'm a bad Dean, I'm a bad Dean!

I'm a bad Dean, I'm a bad Dean!

Shut up, Neil….and take a bath, you filthy bastard

Shut up, Neil….and take a bath, you filthy bastard

Press F to pay respects

Press F to pay respects

take as many as you like, my Dad works for the company who makes them.

take as many as you like, my Dad works for the company who makes them.

…about twin dyslexic ex transvestites, with both roles played by Mark Wahlburg.

…about twin dyslexic ex transvestites, with both roles played by Mark Wahlburg.

…about twin dyslexic ex transvestites, with both roles played by Mark Wahlburg.

Not being suicided by the sociopaths at Big Dick Paper?

Not being suicided by the sociopaths at Big Dick Paper?

that's nothing to be ashamed of, some people just like to keep their focus on the puppets

that's nothing to be ashamed of, some people just like to keep their focus on the puppets

that's a heck of a shart!

that's a heck of a shart!

As long as Paul Reiser is still Paul Reiser, we're all good.

As long as Paul Reiser is still Paul Reiser, we're all good.