Lester Spigot

Cap was always a fascist, from a certain point of view.

"people have surely paid for worse podcasts over the years."

It's not sad that you want to give the dude cookies, it's pragmatic. It's not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

There was something zen like, or listening to monotonous experimental music like about the first 9 or 10 years of NCIS.

Is it just me, or was this show much better when Jess was on maternity leave?

They took a lot of risks, and some of it didn't work. Cheryl Hines character is a little confusing, but I loved Tim Meadows and Artemis.

A lot of people have been educated about brain injuries because of the documentaries, films and media coverage of the NFL and rugby stuff.

Lucky he's still got that glass coffee table, then.

There comes a point where this goes beyond a general appeal for diversity, and effectively becomes an appeal for some weird kind of artistic apartheid.

It seems like a strange thing to get possessive over, and I say that as an 80s kid, who saw Ghostbusters right in that butter zone of impressionability.

Does LSP come with the dragon dildo, or is it sold separately?

Agreed, this one and "The Diary" are among the weakest episodes of Adventure Time.

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter's epic space battles strongly evoked the feeling of the 2 Death Star battle scenes in ANH and RotJ.

Now explain why you wanted to machine gun those striking miners in 1929.

Would it have killed you to not dance around no 9? If late night tv in the 90s could handle it, I'm pretty sure the internet in 2015 can handle it.

Being the best sitcom of this decade is like being the tallest dwarf.

Dude, my thoughts are with you. If you need to talk, give a call; if you’ve got bigger problems, call me when you get back.

This list is not worth the electrons it's printed on without Abyssinia, Henry.

Yeah, that picture is classy as hell.

It's not a fact unless it's in the text. It's an opinion, even if it's the author's opinion.