Lester Spigot

Nah, it's just a birth mark.

If you think they treat their customers badly, imagine how well they treat their employees!

It's a complicated show. I've enjoyed reading multiple points of view.

I loved this episode, the characterizations were perfect, it had heart and tension, good beats on the funny, but seeing as the reviewer bought up the Archer thing, I got bumped out in the last scene when Bob was telling Tina to play with the doll. It was pure Archer.

I can't wait to hear "The Lusty Argonian Maid"

pairing angry with stupid is a classic combination.

Don't like foreigners criticizing aspects of your culture? Stop exporting it so aggressively that it's impossible to avoid being exposed to it.

Why are you blaming the producers of MASH? McLean Stevenson wanted his own show, which he got, which lasted 12 episodes. Stevenson later admitted that leaving MASH was a mistake.

He didn't just critique a book, he said the bloke should have packed it it 12 books ago, and I am saying I enjoyed 11 of those books.

If they knocked down a church wall in Italy tomorrow and found a legit David made out of the period equivalent of silly putty with an arm coming out of it's arse, it would be the wonder of the art world.

I don't see art as a competition, even with yourself. It's a journey, and the good artists work changes over time.

Is this the part where we measure internet dicks over what you subjectively mean by "REALLY" and what I subjectively mean by "pretty"?

Monstrous Regiment is a pretty good book, IMO. I've enjoyed most of the others in the last decade, even if they're not all perfect.

The thing Raising Steam lacks is a villain.

Luck that Beef Biceps forgot to cock his gun, or there would have been one in the spout when he pulled the trigger, and Killer Kung Fu Chick would have had her head blown off while smugly holding the clip.

Finally someone else sees that you can't have any more Penny incest in this show without writing out Leonard.

Settle for a sensitive guy with a top class education, a secure and well payed job, and rich parents…yeah, right.

Absolutely right, the Penny/Leonard relationship might operate like that in high school or your twenties, but a 30 something, failed actresses working at the cheesecake factory is at the bottom of the social ladder compared to a 30 something guy with a Ph.D and a long term research job.

It wasn't a natural artistic change, it was a cynical charge for commercial radio and mainstream success that ran in the opposite direction of the spirit of the band,

Even when you thought it was cool, Enter Sandman was still an an inoffensive pop song safe for teenage girls.