Lester Spigot

The line about "cybertek makes sure I'm well taken care of, and they'll take care of you too" wasn't imaginary.

It's not the trope. It's the yellow face.

You don't get visuals from books?

This episode, like the show itself, has more holes than Swiss cheese, but it's so different from anything else on TV that I can't help but love it.

Is that "that voice is perfect, use it everywhere" or "you're not a voice actor, so STFU"?

I blame the people who hired him even more than I blame H.Jon Benjamin. He has to eat, after all.

The guy is a good actor, and he makes the characters live, and I still enjoy both of those shows, but doing the exact same voice is shoddy, lazy work.

Sterling Archer and Bob Belcher sound EXACTLY the same as each other, so it's kind of embarrassing for the writer to refer to them as evidence of a diverse range, They've even made jokes about it on Archer.