Are we certain this isn’t Russian “humor”
Are we certain this isn’t Russian “humor”
People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.
Weaving bacon strips together is the best way to get more bacon flavor out of every bite of your BLT or burger. If…
effspot or gordon cheng is not clarkson but he knows his stuff, and without him you wouldnt be watching this, so mute him yourself
Um, no.
All connective tissue sags with gravity and age, but age-related sagging on vulvar tissue is pretty inconsequential, and can often be counteracted by post menopausal changes. After menopause the lower levels of estrogen often cause shrinking of vulvo-vaginal tissues a bit. Labia really don’t change with age all that…
I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.
No they arent at all. Conor is blowing it for Conor. You can’t sign a contract agreeing to specific mandatory press events and then say no. If he did all of this shit a month ago, and had his facebook post, and tweet and all that nonsense there would be no issue.
Also, I don’t know what kind of video host you’re using lately, but the videos don’t even show up for me on Firefox. It’d be nice to watch the videos, please?
Do not judge. People panic easily and act irrationally in situations like this. As someone who did rescue work during (really serious) floods, I know. I remember elderly lady (ignored evacuation earlier) who rescued with her dog from her totally flooded house, got panic attack about forgotten keys because she did not…
The reverse lights coming on has got to be the funniest expression of futility I’ve ever seen.
Then you haven’t lived long enough to truly lose all hope for humanity as a collective. I’ve already begun to see human decisions as a coin toss instead of trying to factor in logic when predicting an action. Like watching someone deciding when to merge into fast moving traffic from a stop. In my younger years I would…
“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”
I’m a teacher and my mom is now a retired teacher. Living with her NOW would be rad, but back when I did live with her it wasn’t so hot. Living with me (as a child) would be RAD if you are cool with cupcakes and margaritas for dinner and hanging out with me and my pets. Do you want to go for a run and then garden? Do…
They may have proper healthcare and be a bit more polite than us - but our Canadian friends have just as big a yahoo contingent as we do ;)
Turn you signal on for 3-5 seconds, SLOWLY start moving over once it is established what you are doing. If they want around you THAT bad and they haven’t swerved around you already, them seeing your signal go on will be a glorious beacon of hope.
What did you write this with, a tomatoe?
The best advice for Stig 3 is probably all on Wikipedia! I hope he enjoys the ride and that the BBC treats him well