“Declare everything when flying to Australia,” Is it just me or do you think this was directed at Amber?
“Declare everything when flying to Australia,” Is it just me or do you think this was directed at Amber?
Truck Yeah! I was hoping to see the decent, nicely done.
I always get a running start if I can. Never ended bad... That truck kicked ass, great video.
Yep. said the same thing myself.
Sadly it may already be in Tijuana. Hope they had lojack.
I would agree. Hard to imagine no one catching that mistake at some point.
I grew up singing a song about La Cucarachas in middle school. Which is very funny now that I think about the meaning of the song. So I didn’t order until I tried someone else’s. I would have never tried them on my own. Love them now! Not good marketing with the name though.
It’s the way their made with the legs attached. They look like a Cockroach. I guess they have a good sense of humor about it.
On a first date I took a girl I liked to the fanciest restaurant I could think of. Black Angus. I had never been to anything fancier than a Denny’s before that. So when the check came I got up with my date to pay on the way out. Waiter came running over freaking out after I was talking to someone that worked there…