Les Patterson


Epic video. I liked the part where the first stage was disintegrating and was blowing huge smoke rings. Its not too late to release a version with the standard Youtube soundtrack “ Holy F@@k dude! Oh my gawd!” etc for the whole video lol

How very Ducati

Now playing

“As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”

At least remove the “I’ve had too much to drink again and need to sleep in the back” blanket when taking photo..

Leather helmet and nerves of steel. 266.94 mph for Mr. Rosemeyer on his last run...

How big a problem are the ring lands breaking on the pistons (stock not hopped up engines) and headgasket woes are they a real issue or low percentage don’t worry about it buy one and have fun? The engine design has been around for so long wouldn’t the recent engines be bulletproof? I get that the average STI and WRX

I like it. Nice touch with the make up = drama/angst hair style

I agree 100% with you on this one. I bet that if Acura released a “new” TL that looked identical to the one shown above they would sell every one of them. All the Acura fans that have been driven away by the wtf design of the last generation would come back in droves. They sold 77,000 TLs in 2004 and almost 80,000 in

Your comment reminded me of this Monty Python advertisement for a Welsh self defence program that basically consists of attacking everyone before they even think of attacking you.

I’ll take the Pinto with the pieces of wood holding the rad in place....

I was thinking wallet-vampire but I like your wallet-guzzler term better

LOL I see what you did there...

I walk to work in the early morning. There is a mini clubman that drives by every morning. The engine is still cold when I hear it drive by. Two years ago the cold engine would make a tapping valvetrain? sound. Now it sounds like a Metallica drum solo....

Big water, ocean water...

Ancient cut and paste technology look at the edges of her picture...

This works well but when you first open the door disperse the steam by twirling a dishtowel in the cloud of steam. Otherwise over time the ceiling directly above your dishwasher will get soggy from the condensation.

16 year old kid, Red Bull skateboarding yolo generation.... will spend most of his time with this car canted over on two wheels driving by his buddies waving out the window. What adults call tippy/instablility kids call a feature : 0 )

Owned an 89 Camry V-6 5 speed manual for about 16 years. Never let me down, but I remember nothing about driving it. Not even one thing. It was like 5 speed appliance. Did its job, but no giggles.