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This isn’t a new thing. Check out the BBC call of David Freese’s walkoff HR in WS game 6 2011:

We have a vision for the future of this studio that includes significant improvements to work/life balance ... Getting there will require time, hard work, and commitment

When you talk about Flores being “a .300 hitter” I assume you’re talking about his career OBP.

Seth Lugo is the Mets’ most reliable reliever (34.1 IP, 2.36 ERA, 46/9 K/BB). Gsellman is just the most relied-upon (although this begs the question why their best reliever isn’t doing the most relieving, but, well, Mets.)

Lavelle’s is a decent shot from range but the keeper really should have saved it.

He earned more during the hour he was in her hotel room (roughly €3600) than the cost of a return flight.

Both plays are possible pre-pitch but the catcher knows that if it’s a ground ball to an infielder they’re probably going to try the DP (hence why the SS and 2B are at double-play depth). Neither play is certain to work but turning the DP ends the inning, whereas getting the out at home still leaves 2 on and 2 outs.

The reason the catcher’s backing up first is because there’s a decent chance of the 2B’s throw to 1st being bad because he’s got to deal with the runner from 1st trying to break up the DP. If you don’t back up there the batter/runner might be able to make the turn and end up at 2nd (and the run scores anyway if you

Nah, it’s a routine ground ball and the batter is out by a mile at first if the SS throws there. Fielder’s choice whether the run scores or not, the only difference is the RBI.

Boult’s looks great until you realise that the reason he’s got to jump for it is he’s completely misjudged the ball and started running in. If he stays where he is on the rope it’s a regulation catch.

Kelenic and Dunn are solid prospects but “legit MLB talent” Jay Bruce was coming off a below-replacement year of .680 OPS and “legit MLB talent” Anthony Swarzak pitched 26.1 innings with a 6.15 ERA when he wasn’t hurt. And it’s not even like we’re missing them, we’ve got 2 better COFs than Bruce in Conforto and

Behaviour like that from the fans is just not cricket(s).

As a beard owner it’s actually pretty good at keeping me cool, damp it down every so often and it’s like walking round with a wet towel on your face.

Yeah, no, Reddick only gets the throw to second (after he’s bounced off the wall and landed). Choo would be home before the relay throw even gets made.

Between him and Michael Conforto we have to be leading the league in male pattern baldness.

He doesn’t even miss the cutoff man, Frazier clearly decides not to catch it (because he can see it’s going straight to the catcher and Franco is going to be out by a mile). For a converted infielder that’s a pretty good play.

When it comes to $50 t-shirts I’m in the Macklemore camp.

When it comes to $50 t-shirts I’m in the Macklemore camp.

Go check out BestFansStLouis on Twitter.

I think he’s just gone a bit Crécy.

If fans were the voters I’d agree, but I feel like the writers are a lot more reverential of him. During his farewell tour there were no end of articles lining up to pay their re2pect.