I will be shocked if Jeter isn’t unanimous.
I will be shocked if Jeter isn’t unanimous.
Apples to Apples does that better and keeps its replay value for way longer since its appeal isn’t based on the shock value of the cards.
Except I can do that with Apples to Apples and I don’t have to wade through all the “lol so edgy” humor. Plus relying on shock value means the replay value drops through the floor once you’ve seen all the cards a couple times.
+1 50 years in jail
In the first book Foley writes about wrestling a style where his chances of a career-ending injury were low but the possibility of life-long discomfort was high. It’s in the context of repeatedly taking big bumps like the running elbow off the apron but watching this match again I’m kinda wondering if he was talking…
This is the one I want more info on. Why was the guy running around outside in the rain with a hard-on?
I thought it was only Halsey that did this, but apparently it’s spreading.
Depends what they do with that $60M. If it means the difference between top-tier FAs and bargain basement ones then I’m OK with that.
...left arm?
I appreciate you trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but unless and until he retracts and condemns his previous comments I think it’s reasonable to assume that his beliefs haven’t changed in the past two years, he’s just got better at hiding them.
Either that or a yellow one.
“ties on points” are not a thing in the EPL. Arsenal moved into fourth.
Boke Blartles?
Or words from other languages which don’t follow the (frankly bizarre) u-after-q rule.
Why is playing with the authorized Scrabble dictionary not OK but playing with whatever edition of whatever dictionary your family’s got on the shelf is absolutely fine?
Personally I’m waiting on jozxqyk.
Hordes, not hoards.
Your respect for women is just shining through here, asshole.
Yelich should buy Scooter Gennett a steak dinner, if the throw on the triple goes to 3rd rather than to home he’s out.
The prime suspect is a local man named John Thomas.