
Cornet initially believed the referee had been replaced by an imposter, referring to him as “you phony ump”.

I don’t really care who he’d fight in the UFC, just as long as Steve Mazzagatti is the ref.

Lang was good but I was really hoping for Ron Perlman.

The umps (apparently) told both sides before the game that a warning would be issued if anyone threw at Utley. Syndergaard then got immediately tossed instead of being issued a warning.

Yeah, those national Fox broadcasters are really in the tank for their hometown Mets.

This warrants an article in the Players’ Tribbing.

Except judicial elections and the recall process are not even nearly the same thing. One happens to all judges regularly, one has so far happened to one judge once.

The lesson they’ll take from “judge gets recalled for imposing an inappropriate sentence” is “impose appropriate sentences”.

Something that never happened until today really isn’t all that more common than something that’s never happened. As for judges, now when a judge in a heavily-minority area passes a sentence, he knows that if he goes for an outlandishly harsh sentence there’s a possibility that he might face consequences.

When was the last time a judge got recalled for giving an excessively lenient sentence, before today? Now people know they’ve got some say in the matter judges might have to consider the facts before sentencing rather than just hitting the “20 years” button automatically.

the result of this will be to disincentivize judges from giving lenient sentences in all circumstances.

It doesn’t even have to cost him the $50, plenty of places will cover shit like this up for free if you ask them.

No non-contending team will want him, because they’d rather give their young guys some experience, and any contender that wants to improve their bench can easily find a more significant upgrade than Ben Revere.

We must be watching different videos then, because in mine his eyes are clearly on #14 before his leg starts moving towards the horizontal.

Everyone’s HBPs count, just like everyone’s hits and walks count.

Getting hit by a lot of pitches is definitely a (niche) skill. Chase Utley was very good at it, as is Anthony Rizzo.

Look at it the other way round. A player who reaches on errors 15 times isn’t any better than a player who happens to get robbed by defensive gems 15 times, so his OBP shouldn’t be better either.

A 6 (ball over the boundary without bouncing) is (in practice) the most runs you can score off a single ball, so in tournaments like this where you have a limited number of balls to score as many as possible, trying to hit 6s is usually the best strategy.

LBW only applies if the ball hits the batsman’s body. Had de Villiers missed the ball he almost certainly would have been out.

Her cornerman was clearly thinking more about his cut if she pulled off a miracle win rather than the possibility of her sustaining permanent damage.