Funny you said that. I showed the picture of this car to my three year old and asked him if he liked it. He said yes. When I asked why he said “because it’s super fast.”
Maserati Four Door.
Well, the 4 year-olds who named the original back in 1956 are now 65 years old, so there’s that.
They could have called it the 812 Crap Sandwich, and I’d still want one.
“You’ll wear out your rear way before your front, so don’t worry if the wear is uneven.”
It’s not a real Micro Machines commercial unless this guy says it is.
Near as i can tell, each generation of the venerable Lexus RX crossover comes with a booklet entitled, “ How to Do Absolutely Everything Wrong At All Times.”
Couple of SECONDS.
Apparently my car came with someone’s dream rims.
lena dunham: I’m the victim here! Me! Me!
This. This right here. I’ve ranted on herd about this before. It’s un-fucking real who’s driving this day and age. Like you said, it’s unsettling to see and know that people are that fucking dumb. I pull people over ALL night for not having their headlights on. I’m a magnet when it comes to this. Cars without…
My e36 M3 is cheaper than a therapist and more effective. That is all.
“Just a couple folks carving it up.....” I’m not sure I would use that term for what they were doing....maybe ‘wallowing’ ;)
These racers are not here against their will, nor are you forced to watch the race against yours. All participants, bother racers and spectators, are volunteers. The value of one’s life is what one assigns to himself. We all value life differently, and none of us has the right (or should have) to tell another how to…