
Yeah, you can fuck right off with that. You telling people they should feel terrible about something actually makes you more terrible than MacFarlane.

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

“Stop having opinions I don’t like! Ugh! The nerve of people to like things I don’t approve of!”

I’m sure I’ll get shit for this, but I think you’ve kind of missed the point. I get that Family Guy and the increasingly bad spin-offs arent to everyone’s tastes, but I don’t get the hatred and snark people direct towards it because it’s dumb. It’s meant to be.

I don’t understand people that spend their time telling others what type of humor is good or bad taste. Let people do what they do and enjoy what they enjoy

100% he was just trying to impress the blond ballgirl, right?

“We will not rest until no team has more than two A-level talents on its roster, no city of more than 20,000 population lacks a hockey franchise, and the Stanley Cup Finals end 36 hours before training camp. Expansion today, expansion tomorrow, expansion forever!”

It’s really cute how you Z and Infiniti guys think those cars sound good.

You just described how people buy houses. I didn’t realize home ownership was so unethical.

I haven’t seen a Japanese fall apart so quickly since Takata.

This is the ultimate BMW disguise. It looks like that car might have some sort of turn signal. Everybody knows that BMW’s don’t have turn signals!!


Wow! Even Formula E’s pit stops suck!

Ignoring your car’s torque specs.

Trail mix is just m&m’s with obstacles.

Everyone’s full of it. Unless they just took a shit.

...and I’ll never watch it again.

For me, it’s the same car but different game. Cruisin’ USA is what started me on racing video games, and this Ferrari was the default if I remember correctly.

Actually I’ve been to two races in 2014 and will be going to Austin this year as well. I think the engines sound great in person. They’re not the mononote wail of the V8s but are a lot more interesting. You can finally hear things like the tires screeching and I like it. I will admit they sound boring on TV but live

Time to invest in tulip bulbs!