Les Mikesell

Let’s see: policemen can always get away with saying they felt their live were in danger when they shoot a black man regardless of the circumstances, but a black man running away from gunshots and maybe a policeman is a crime?

The difference is that the hotel that charges $3 less will be at the top of the ‘cheap hotels’ travel search site that you use.

Good points, but you know we all liked it back when the Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton copied the blues from black artists like Muddy Waters, etc. and made it popular.

How about turning off autoplay permanently? Who ever thought that was a good idea anyway?

So our ‘law and order’ president doesn’t care if you break the law as long as your victims aren’t white.

These basically wick moisture away because they have very fine microfibers but don’t absorb it because they are nylon. And they have enough stretch that you won’t know they are there except with the boxer briefs everything stays in place.

These basically wick moisture away because they have very fine microfibers but don’t absorb it because they are

Better yet, (a) make the battery packs modular in 50 lb. units so you don’t need special lifts to move them, and (b) make them also usable as home backup power and solar storage units. So everybody would have a spare set charged in their garage.

This is just way too complicated for a man to understand. Are you complaining because he wanted to please you or because he failed? When should he have realized that you were impossible to please? And what should he have done then? You have to explain this stuff very slowly.

Ummm, that’s not why Harley sales declined. It’s because other companies bikes can run circles around them. Not everyone buys a motorcycle as a fashion statement or for the noise it makes.

If one person thinks you are strange it is probably them, but if lots of people do...

No, I’m not a touchy feely person myself and my family was kind of cold. I wouldn’t initiate a hug myself. This is a considered opinion based on meeting a lot of other people. Hugs are typical, ordinary things and refusing them is an insult. Don’t do it if you don’t want to, but recognize the fact that it is

OK, but it’s kind of odd to pick that one thing to insist they make their own choice if they don’t also pick all their own food, what house they sleep in, whether they go to school or not, and that sort of thing. But, you do make your family sound pretty creepy. Maybe you are right about them.

No, hugs are normal human interactions. If you don’t like normal, fine, but don’t tell everyone else they can’t be normal.

Hugs are normal human actions. I have nothing against abnormal people, but don’t pretend that normal people doing normal things is somehow wrong or offensive. And please don’t warp your kids ideas about hugs regardless of your own fears.

It is an insult to refuse a hug. Even if you don’t like hugs.

That’s just sad. For both of you.

Not much has changed since the 1920's when comedian Will Rogers famously said “I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat.”

How about a can of Barbasol for a buck something and Dove mens body wash for maybe two-something at your local grocery store or Menards? It that stuff made of gold?

How about a can of Barbasol for a buck something and Dove mens body wash for maybe two-something at your local

I have a ‘raised ranch’ (a fairly efficient design where half of the lower level is the garage and the other half is partly below grade but finished) in a Chicago suburb. No attic, no basement, tiny closets. It was about 1200 sq. ft. originally but as the kids were getting to high school age we added a room (both

1400 sq ft. is enough living space for 4, but you won’t have enough storage space unless you also have a basement or attic that isn’t being counted. Even when the kids move out they are going to leave a bunch of stuff for you to store.