Les Mikesell

Or, he has just plain given up on trying to make her happy.

Ummm, yeah - like communicating his dissatisfaction some other way is going to get him anywhere either. So far I haven't found any real good suggestions here.

Yes, it is clearly not the first time for them to not have a happy ending...

Any man is going to take all those "too tired' or 'ate too much' excuses to mean: "I really don't like having sex with you so I find lots of other things to do instead".

Gimmme a break... Because there's good news coverage these days and you're 'aware' of some bad stuff, you conclude that life isn't worth living???? When in fact there are more people with better lives than anyone in history could ever have imagined. You are, of course, too young to remember the cold war. Ask

There's vlc - not quite sure it is a match for the ios version in terms of dlna access, but it should be getting close otherwise.

And by the way, it is never going to be about individuals vs. the government. It is always about which is worse - wealthy corporations or the government making your choices for you - and the corporations don't even make a pretense of being on your side.

Welcome to the jungle. I prefer civilization where we don't just leave the poor and sick to die on their own. And once employers took over the job (and the only reasonable rates) of providing health insurance they should be obligated to not discriminate in how they do it.

So freedom is only good for people who can afford walk away from their jobs? Personally, I think you are way overestimating how well the general public runs their own lives.

'Freedom' sounds like something fun, but it isn't when you aren't all equal. Individuals have a huge disadvantage compared to corporations getting group policies. And corporations get government support in terms of tax benefits which should not have anything to do with religious quirks.

Read Ginsburg's opinion if you want to know what the case was about. It's about corporations forcing their religious and health care decisions on their employees.

No, it just affects the company in question's profits. At the expense of some of their employees.

Well, no. If you aren't providing health benefits or are discriminating against people in the way you do it, none of it should be deductible. Why should _this_ particular religious cult get an exception for _this_ belief? Why shouldn't _any_ corporation be able to say, for example, that cancer is God's will and

So you don't understand the concept of health insurance? Or that employers normally provide it? Or laws about taxes and equality for that matter? If Hobby Lobby doesn't provide full/equal benefits, then their contributions shouldn't be tax deductible.

So when does the Hobby Lobby boycott start? Stuff like this won't change as long as there are profits involved.

So, maybe move to a state with voters intelligent enough not to elect nutjobs?

First, kids need to know that sex should be something special between two people and that it probably won't be if they do it with everyone. That sometimes gets lost if you focus on mechanics or avoid the issue entirely. But not everyone can be expected to get it right the first time or to be ready for children

Agreed - but when young people do things that they don't understand well enough to get right every time, who is really to blame? We don't make them learn from experience alone in other dangerous situations.

Well, some people are rich and some aren't. Being poor isn't always a bad thing either, but you aren't going to see it celebrated in the media. And the economics here are sort of obvious if you look at the cost of raising a child. And in any case, even if accidentally having a child is tolerable, being

No, I grew up on a farm surrounded by large animals, heavy equipment, dangerous chemicals, etc. I just understood that if you take chances or do stupid stuff you get hurt.