
That's true, but I guess I always thought he had an inkling about her true intentions behind the move. But maybe that's giving him too much credit…

Same, it seemed like the show really wanted us to choose between Greg and Josh, even though previous episodes have emphasized that she would be better off without either of them. The love triangle stuff was a little too much in this episode. It definitely wasn't a bad episode, but I was expecting something more.

I'm surprised Josh seemed so turned off by Rebecca's declaration that she did move to West Covina for him, but I guess it ties into his fear of dishonesty? I don't know, it was really funny as the last scene of the season, but I don't think it would be a big source of conflict between them.

Yeah, I'm still wondering if Rebecca went back to Josh because Greg rejected her, or if she was "all in" with Greg because she needed to get over Josh. I guess in this case, it can be two things…

Sympathy and "thanks for sharing" like. I love how CEG is so explicit about dealing with mental illness. I've gone through depressive episodes, and I'm really similar to Rebecca in some aspects, so every episode makes me cringe in self-recognition.

I mean, not everything has changed. She still has a tunnel-vision personality, except this time it is about self-improvement instead of pursuing Josh. So she was kinda rude to him, even though it was unwarranted. It seemed realistic to me, though I felt bad for Josh.

I literally said "Nooooo" when they kissed and my roommate was really confused. I just want Rebecca to be happy, and I don't think Greg (or Josh) can make her happy right now.

So excited for that one!

When?? I've spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find it (Hoping this isn't a joke :P)

I had just said last week that I wanted some kind of confrontation with Paula! Granted, I think her reason for the enabling isn't completely sufficient (she obviously is using Rebecca to avoid her real life,), but I love that the show acknowledged both Rebecca and Paula's sides in the argument.

This show has such empathy for its characters; I really want happy endings for all of them (except Grocery Clerk with Half an Eyelid, he's kind of a douche :/)

Same here! I was actually really mad at Paula, because I'm worried Josh knowing about Rebecca's feelings may lead to her obsessing over him again. I'm hoping that whatever happens, Rebecca realizes that she has love from a lot of different people.

Just wanted to say, thank you for your great reviews! The comments for this show are always introspective and entertaining, and I'm sure your thoughtful and balanced reviews have something to do with it! It is nice to know that I'm not the only one disturbingly relating to this weird/wonderful show.

She looked so good in that dress (though she always looks lovely, of course). Damn Abuela, Damn.

Pretty good episode! Jess-Cece plots always warm my heart, because the actresses do a great job in selling their friendship. Loved all the flashbacks- especially the Nadia origin story.

Thanks for the info! I figured that was the case, but wasn't sure.

I don't really know how selling the rights works, so I can't speak to the creator's power in such agreements, but I still don't think that takes away blame from studios and executives. It just isn't right to cast white actors in nonwhite roles. We can all agree that "race"-face is wrong. I don't see how this is any

Just because they're fine with it doesn't mean it is ok though, right? By assigning these "non-white" roles to white actors, Hollywood is taking away roles from people of color. And there is already limited representation of POC in Hollywood anyway, so it is really harmful to give these roles that are specifically


Yeah, I was a little annoyed at that too! #tamilpride