Sarah Treem has said it probably won't happen this season, but maybe in upcoming seasons!
Sarah Treem has said it probably won't happen this season, but maybe in upcoming seasons!
I'm still working through this myself, but I agree with you in that we are seeing their memories, which may not be what they are telling the investigator. But I think the discrepancies could be attributed to selective memory and the length of time between the events and recollection. Noah could have forgotten what he…
Why does it always have to be the girl dying? How about Andrew dies and Zelda bangs Stu? That would certainly be a shocking ending.
I'm not familiar with her previous work, but I love her line deliveries on this show. And she has a way of keeping her character grounded.
No, you are so special and unique for hating a couple on a tv show. Congrats!
Not as good as last week's, but enjoyable nonetheless. I liked Ben falcone's description of big bird. And I actually thought the end conversation was really sweet. I'm also glad that Steffie And Stu aren't magically friends now.
A to Z is really sweet, but I think the reason it isn't too sweet for me because the show is so adamant about showing the whole relationship. So since Andrew and Zelda are in the honeymoon phase right now, I kinda expect their interactions to be lovey-dovey. They've only known each other for a week after all. I think…
Broad City!
I don't like Heigl movies either! But I guess I meant less formulaic Rom-coms, like 500 days of summer (though that is definitely mainstream now), Amelie or the early seasons of HIMYM.
If you like Rom-coms, you should! but if you don't, I can't imagine you'd like either show.
Pretty good episode. Not amazing or anything, but I agree that the writers were smart enough to cover all the issues in Andrew's situation. The show is very generous to its characters. Even Stu pointing out that Andrew had a double standard indicated that he isn't that dumb.
I agree. All the characters, including Maura, are allowed to be imperfect, but you still root for them.
I would actually say Sarah is the best, just because she empathizes with Maura and seems to have her heart in the right place. Josh is just a douche, albeit a really charming one. But apparently I'm alone in this. They're all pretty annoying.
Super funny, but the storylines didn't really go anywhere. I still liked it though! Winston-Cece storylines are underrated. And Deschanel's delivery was especially on point this episode.
See, I still think New Girl is funnier (though it has many problems), but I've realized my love for New Girl is unconditional and irrational. But Brooklyn 99 is a close second!
I think that's the plan.
This is my favorite pilot so far, maybe because I'm a sucker for anything by Cristin "I'm a Very Sexy Baby" Milioti. The pilot actually got funnier for me the second time I watched it, because I noticed all of Stu and Andrew's weird conversations while they were walking (Something about tentacles, a youtube video…
The eternal question.
I feel like the reason Nick seems more cartoonish is because he hasn't been in storylines with Jess. Even in previous seasons, Nick has been very cartoonish, except for most scenes with Jess (which were quite common, even before they got together). But it seems like the writers are trying to keep Nick and Jess apart…
This was a little bit of a step-down from the past few for me, but it was very funny. And I love how they are using CeCe this season. On point.