
officiating right now is no better or worse than it was during the replacement officials stretch. Only difference is that the regular officials then went on a PR campaign to destroy replacement officials, while they are now using it to defend themselves.

you don’t know what nickel and diming is, do you?

“while Evans interrupted a second potential thief in the process, who was charged with misdemeanor criminal trespassing.”

is there a specific reason the NBA is crediting Kerr with the wins? Wouldn’t this serve as an Interim-type position for Walton? I thought they usually credited those wins to the Interim.

did we really expect him to credit a white dude? Seriously.

might be a cool think to let roam the Gawker offices

thankfully you seem to be very intelligent

different people injure differently. While I appreciate your experiences, using that as the marker for how it is for all people is pretty naive.

Texts and gchats supplied to Jezebel show emotionally abusive conversations between the couple. Baker repeatedly calls Nostro a “whore” for being unfaithful, although Nostro alleges he had cheated on her as well.

don’t hit people


This racial targeting has to stop! Oh, wait...

fucked up thing is that you really believe this

waiting for all the Gawker commenters who openly wanted this to be a right-wing Christian nut job to apologize for being as hypocritical as the far right people they criticize...

are you and Burneko in a competition to have less knowledge about the NBA than the other? Asking for myself...


Sounds like Wendell should go hang in the hood for a few days


Just being straight up here - you have a really shitty life

Seriously, though... Trevor Noah hasn’t made me laugh once