

Pretty self explanatory sir

they’re probably pretty lazy anyway

you and I have completely different definitions of “brilliant”

Listen fuckstick, if you’re only defense of an ignorant comment is to now put words in my mouth, then you go enjoy that game. The old “name callers are dumb” argument is a few years old. You’re a stupid fuck. How’s that? :) Ohhhh, and now a liar.

“The commenters there have the intellectual integrity of moldy dogshit”

if you have zero idea why he’s in that position, then how do you know that crossed the line?

Have you ever once had to do manual long division in your day job? Serious question. Let alone anything you learned in geometry or calculus.

I was on my way home from buying my wife surprise flowers for our anniversary

well good morning Thunderlips... calm down champ. Outside of your ridiculous rambling which has nothing to do with what I was discussing, it sounds like you could probably benefit from not watching sports for a while.

So when it comes to Muslims, we can’t group them all together... but when it comes to cops, we should. Can you just pick an argument and stick with it? Would be much easier to track that way.

they have? Chicks have been getting raped on porn sets for decades. cough cough...

ohhhh, I think I can paint a pretty good picture of your entire life based on this one comment alone. Thanks for never disappointing.

I don’t know a single person who got a ticket for going over 100 in high school. I know it happens, but not gonna lie - I think you’re exaggerating that.

I’ve never driven 60 over... in any setting or scenario. Have you?

Are you wondering why none of these people are responding to you?

Getting popped speeding 108 in a 45 isn’t just driving fast, it’s legitimately dangerous and reckless.

agreed that anyone who works for a company is not ready for the real world

Only thing more pointless than my question was you avoiding it so much

I mean, they have been called out on it. They’ve been doing it for a couple years. I think your entire comment is pretty moot.