I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?
I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?
I love the sign-making supplies idea! Also, as a fellow Bostonian (well, Boston-area-n, anyway) I feel like we should figure out a way to organize a Jezebel Resistance group to coordinate transportation down the DC and other activities...
A real biologist wouldn’t feel the need to capitalize the word. And yes, I am a biologist.
Mater Dei always has an awesome team. This is just rubbing it in.
He’s all asshole. What more do you need to know?
I hope Evan McMullin takes this guy’s seat—I’m a Democrat, but if he runs, I will donate to his campaign to help get this little piss ant out.
How can people be so openly and unashamedly small minded and spiteful? He is bragging about what an asshole he is. Is this to be a ‘thing’ under the new administration?
Jesus Christ, I hate this useless fuck. He played chicken with millions of American lives, and now, even after we all lost, he doesn’t have the decency to do what he can to stop Trump. Heartless, incompetent, sociopathic cunt.
Hillary is such a class act.
Raise your hand if you’re Mormon or exMormon and have met this kind of smug POS before. Usually made a bishop real early and all too eager to talk to 12 yr olds about their sex lives.
He’s the Trump/Shkreli lovechild of Congress. With a little Duncan Whatshisfuck DoucheFlute from CA sprinkled in.
Emailing this to myself so I remember to cut a check made out to his opponent come election time.
Get. Her. Name. Out. Of. Your. Mouth. And. Off. Your. Fingertips. (Not you, Brendan. The slimy rat fuck)
How amazing of Hillary to look him straight in the eye and say, “no one will ever remember you.”
I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.
Autism is directly related to advanced paternal age. So yes, it is Trump’s fault. But young trophy wives tend to want babies.
It’s not like Trump’s fucked up genes could be at fault or anything!