
Even if the speed was measured, the driver cannot be held accountable. 1 kilometer per hour can be gained or lost by simply changing the air pressure in the tires or replacing them with fresh ones. It’s why there is a general understanding not to ticket for less than 5 (mph) over. It’s a waste of time and money for

I took drafting in college, and as soon as I saw the crack and the location I got a little chill, but I couldn’t have put it as well as you did if I hadn’t dropped out! It’s like the mechanical equivalent of the hip injury that ended Bo Jackson’s career, or maybe a fractured clavicle... Long story short, I’m

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

You know how Chevy keeps blasting Ford for using aluminum in the F150? Saying how it’s not as strong? Trying to convince buyers that aluminum in a vehicle is a bad idea?

America has become a country of weaklings who get offended at the smallest inconsequential things due in large part to social media

To answer your questions:

I think you dropped this: /s

Lose his livelihood? Assuming he’s vaguely competent, those cars are insured.

Is there any situation that a car dealership can’t make worse with its avaricious greed and lack of regard for anything other than profitability?

If the water went above the hood then odds are good everything electrical will need to be replaced. Harness too.

That lives in an interior that’s remarkably intact for its age and which proves that at one time BMW did some of the best interiors out there.

We are getting into semantics, she was never charged or taken in, so what he said about being under arrest is questionable.

More importantly, Miranda Rights are only required when they question you. Not when cuffed or even taken to jail.

We are getting into semantics, she was never charged or taken in, so what he said about being under arrest is questionable.

More importantly, Miranda Rights are only required when they question you. Not when cuffed or even taken to jail.

Actually, that flag was resigned to the dustbin of history until Senator Strom Thurmond used it in a racist run for senate. It has never been about heritage, that is a lie perpetuated by white supremacists to make it palatable to the general public, and it worked.

Being put in cuffs is not the same as being arrested/detained, and officers do not have to read you your Miranda Rights as they place you in handcuffs. The officer was wrong, but not about that.

If my ancestors had been enslaved for hundreds of years, later freed but oppressed, and later legally granted rights but still oppressed by a system of institutionalized racism, I wouldn’t think I was being overly sensitive.

Even if this ends up sucking, we’ll have to give Hyundai credit for trying. Which they’ll deserve!

Still not as bad as the three separate articles on Kinja trying to take down Tina Fey.

Good ‘ol Florida Oranges...

I’m pretty sure it was Florida Man. The poster’s Facebook page lists his home as Merritt Island, FL.