
Just guesstimating, but it looks to me like a flag would have to be something like 20 or 30 feet tall for the bikers to see it before cresting the hill. They’re not that tall, are they? Something that sticks up 5 or 10 feet above the roof would not have done any good.

Wellllll actually the Jeep was in the wrong too, and it’s kinda bullshit you’re talking so much shit about this rider. The Jeep was riding without a flag or “whip” and they were driving just under the crest of a blind hill, a recipe for disaster. Had they actually had whips the riders could have spotted the Jeeps

As a defensive measure, don’t derp along just under the ridge of a jump. Drive on top.

Why does the nancy boy blame the Jeep? Spoiled little shit with a dirt bike or something? Jeep was just doing it’s Jeep thing, you’re the idiot taking air without the line-of-sight or buddy to spot/wave you off. You’re the one who deserves the middle finger and/or potential beatdown there buddy.

2 guys filming, none guys spotting. hmmmm.

He’s trying to make it look like he’s so busy and presidential.

I get that you don’t want to understand, but this isn’t allowed.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Welcome to 1930's Germany, except Muslims are the target instead of Jews. I still can’t believe this is our new reality.

This is only going to get worse, isn’t it?

I disagree. He’s not leaving himself any outs. That is to say he keeps entering into situations where he has no way to stop or avoid an accident if something unexpected happens. The gap is just wide enough until the vehicle swerves, then he’s screwed. The van won’t turn in front of him, until it does. I spent a

Or you could leave the house 10 minutes earlier and not risk killing yourself or others.

I saw a lot of drivers and riders who weren’t being assholes from the POV of one that was.

It wouldn’t be so scary if the rider rode like a regular human being. Not lane splitting next to a bus, cutting in and out of traffic, passing on the left when the van had it’s left signal on.

synchro isn’t magic... it might let you shift into reverse at low speed and then you can use clutch control to stop the vehicle and go backwards, try that shift at anything over walking speed and it crunches just like there isn’t a synchro

Source... Driving vehicles that aren’t mine for work and trying it!

To be dicks.

He was already saying the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. The only thing that changed is that he’s scared now.

While that may be true, the alert level must be raised based on the extremists that are now in a majority in the House and Senate. Plus there are so many people in this country so poorly educated and so hateful of anything with an accent or brown complexion, that this could actually happen.

Yeah, there was no way Trump was going to become President.