
Occasionally, the rear suspension has a tendency to rip the floor out of the trunk due to how the diff is mounted. It doesn’t seem to matter if you drive it hard or easy. ALWAYS check the trunk seams before buying one and immediately replace the water pump and timing chain tensioner.

When you have money like that, and mod your cars like that, odds are resale value isn’t really a concern.

I’m all for keeping the A-10 and ditching the Joint Strike Fighter entirely (for good!), but are we sure we want a bunch of politicians who have never been in the military deciding what and how the military allocate funds by passing laws? It sets a dangerous precedent, while you agree with them this time, what about

If you ever get the chance, watch one do a combat take off while empty. Nothing that large should be capable of flying almost straight up.

Try an aircraft tow vehicle... Same seats with an added bonus of no suspension.

Many of the military hummers were/are no better. A lot of military vehicles have little more padding than that.

Exactly why I prefer not to have cupholders or any place you can “store” trash. If there is a place for it, it gets used and never emptied.

Ford was still using the flathead v8 until 1953 (1973 in Germany!), these got an average of around 18mpg, but overdrive transmissions could get 23-28mpg depending on who you asked and the speeds it was measured at, but that’s best case scenario on the highway. Around town the Ford could dip into single or very low

Not only are they outmatched by many cars at 300hp (radios only do so much), but cops also carry hundreds and hundreds of pounds of extra weight which sucks down even more power.

No, that pulley may have been changed out when belts were done at some earlier date as part of routine maintenance.

My first thought was they were building them off a Corvette.

In some parts of the country, you don’t need to even go grey market to get a grey market experience.

I want to feel bad for it, I really do, that poor, poor thing, but then, it’s a K car, and those deserve pretty much anything that happens to them.

This, so much this.
It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement to say it’s as good as the worst. I can just see their heads exploding if they ever owned something like a Lexus.

A good thwack with a hammer fixes it.

With a large enough hammer, yes it will fit.
Odds are it will end up on it’s back first time you nail the gas, but it will fit.

Absolutely worth the money... BUT...
It comes with the stipulation that you know what you’re getting into. On old BMWs like this, the purchase price isn’t what gets you in trouble, it’s the upkeep and repairing the things previous owners have done. Being a Dinan, only makes this worse, $2500 is a drop in the bucket

Concussions are not uncommon, luckily riders started paying more attention to safety equipment as time went on, it took a while for it to even be acceptable. Many of us suffered some pretty bad injuries, many of which plague us the rest of our lives.

They serve as a secondary function in rallies...
Helps cops figure out who to pull over.

Oops, yes, I did.