
Man this comment thread is full of a bunch of insufferable whiny bitches. The paper insinuated that the palace invited Harry to Charles’ party. Harry disputed this and said that he was not invited. Harry’s response was similar to Dakota Johnson’s in that they both publicly refuted misinformation about a party

Just FYI - tall women are asked about height by insecure short guys all the time as well (see my comment above). Short guys see tall women are very threatening to their masculinity and would freak out whenever I tried to answer honestly.

To this day I (woman) have no idea how tall I am because of all the short guys who would scream bloody murder at me after asking me my hight (somewhere between 5'9 or 5'11). Insecure short guys are always asking tall women how tall they are. Whenever I would try to answer honestly, I’d get yelled at - “You are not

Yes, by the current standards of behavior of powerful men in Hollywood it may be. But remember the bar for these people is currently in hell. It’s great that he didn’t rape her repeatedly, but could we maybe aim a little higher? None of this behavior is OK in a respectful relationship of equals and maybe it’s a good

You’re the guy who looks at up-skit pictures of celebrities and justifies it because they’re celebrities. You are a total fucking creep.

And that makes her mental health your business because why, dumb fuck?

And that’s any of your business because?

I’m willing to bet your coworkers absolutely despise you. Go get some help if you can’t handle your feelings without being an assh*le to people.

Healthy human sexuality is about context and consent. When a woman consents to her body being sexualized, then it’s OK to sexualize it. When she does not, it isn’t. The context is also important. A woman breastfeeding is an entirely different context than Only Fans and it’s important to know the difference.

Yes, yes, very nice articulation of the right wing stereotype of the evil career abortion lady who does not exist anywhere in reality.

Yes, yes, very nice job articulating the right wing stereotype of the evil career woman who gets abortions who doesn’t exist anywhere in reality.

It is literally an abandonment threat. Not a physical threat, but an emotional one, and this is what is commonly called emotional abuse.

If you’re someone who needs to eat an entire sh!t sandwich in order to understand how disgusting that is, go right ahead - but I would be embarrassed if it were me.

If you need to eat an entire shit sandwich in order to know how disgusting it is, go right ahead - but I would be embarrassed if it were me.

him cheating in the first place is a shitty thing to do.”

He wants this to go to a jury because he knows she will get the Amber Heard treatment and he will almost certainly prevail. Talk about vindictive.

There is righteous anger that is a natural consequence of real world suffering and then there is destructive anger that is based on delusions and misguided fear and hate. Please learn the difference before we all die, K?

As I recall she beat him to a frothy pulp with a baseball bat and then Barry came in and stopped her.

The Smiths have been transparent for years about having an open relationship. This is old news. That Will is “humiliated” is your projection of your own morals/self on to him and has no basis in reality. Newsflash - people vary. Just because he’s a Black man does not mean he is going to feel the exact same way about a