
what a violation.  I’m so sorry.

I agree that luck is random, but I look at this list as things you can do to increase your chances of beneficial things happening to you.

With the pacifier, we poked a hole in the end of it, so the sucking wasn’t satisfactory anymore. Then we sat back and waited. After about a week, our kid put the pacifier away himself. I still have one of his wubbanubs (the pacifier with a small stuffed animal attached), and he gets it out and feels nostalgic now and

and my PEARLS!  I must CLUTCH THEM


but definitely snark about it!

Man, what a dipshit. My abortion was 100% a factor in my success. If I had carried to term, I would have been a single mother, living at poverty level. I’m now a university professor (and a mom).

yes please, all of this!

My heart goes out to you. I hope you achieve comfort eventually.

if you hadn’t asked, I was going to. 

ah, that sucks.  I’m sorry.  Thanks for writing back - I didn’t know about the risk of having an IUD with cysts.

IUD?   I waited a long time to get one, and wish I had gotten it much earlier.  I’m perimenopausal, so sans IUD, my periods come on a wonky schedule, and the IUD makes it all go away (while providing some hormone support, which has a small protective benefit against cancer).

I can see your point of view, and appreciate that you shared it!

This is exactly what I think will happen (midterms). It doesn’t matter that today’s summit will result in no useful action on nuclear disarmament. Trump et al. can claim victory and that will be enough to nullify any democrat advances in the House.

I have a son (he’s 4) and we had this whole *thing* at his school earlier this year, where he got in *trouble* for saying something about his penis. He was put in time out, and when I got there to pick him up, all of the kids were aghast. One of the girls mouthed, “he said PENIS”. So I held his hand while his teacher

yeah, the ding dongs part made me laugh out loud

I know...I read the explanation, and it was so ridiculous and mundane. I show my oldness now.

I suppose it’s more interesting to flaunt your bump, than to “walk while pregnant”.

Thanks for this update!

Yes, yes, exactly! When I saw the title of this article, I was like, we don’t need to ask a waitress, we just clean up after the kid because *we are not neanderthals*. I had to wonder why the letter writer is asking.....in this case, if you are asking, then you know the answer.