
I was reading through the comments to this article, and there seem to be a couple of points of view, which I am having trouble reconciling (am seeking enlightenment). POV 1: braids are (racistly perceived as) unprofessional because they indicate a particular ethnicity. So braids=black (=racist viewpoint).

Her hair looks beautiful, tidy and professional. Unless Zara has a no-braids policy, Zara is in the wrong, and those managers should be subject to some remedial training.

Trump’s not having a clear policy position on such an important and imflammatory issue, at this point in the election year, is unforgivable. Donald Trump does not need to be warned that questions might be coming on important issues.

heh. Leptotila to Jon Lovitz: 1) is this what your midlife crisis looks like? 2) please don’t think talking about a big penis is anything other than pathetic. 3) The tonge thing is not even cute when Miley does it; please stop.

OMG, that horrifies me

also: alternate universe, as someone mentioned. That is how I feel, like I’ve been transported somewhere else. And yet all of my favorite people are here, so they have also been transported somewhere else.....it is increasingly surreal.

Large segments of America are terrified with her too.

Anna Merlan was being sarcastic, she was not joking. It was totally obvious how she meant that “great” comment, even to the greys :)

Anna Merlan was being sarcastic, she was not joking. It was totally obvious how she meant that “great” comment, even to the greys :)

He has words....he has the best words!

both cancelling their interviews: probably on the advice of attorneys

I take my slut pills b/c post-baby, I had uncontrolled bleeding that led to anemia. I’m so glad to have them, and not be anemic!

I am really really hoping that someone is developing a sitcom/horror story based on this election cycle

Install Adblocker - it gets rid of the annoying annoying auto-playing ads

Install Adblocker - it gets rid of the annoying annoying auto-playing ads

This is why I didn’t pursue lodging sexual harassment complaints against a colleague (I’m a professor). I just didn’t see that ending well for me.

I know. I hate this song. I’m so so tired of Rihanna.

I know. I cannot stand this song. I’m so so tired of Rihanna.

YEAH! Yay you! I’m so glad for you!

I too am prone to motion sickness; it sucks! I sometimes get seasickness while snorkeling, and I take dramamine (or similar) every time I go. It is awful. But you can go whale watching from bigger boats, which will help, and if you tell the people running the operation that you have problems with motion sickness, they