
I don't know if this is a hack nor am I sure what is exactly going on. I noticed that my shower is very clean compared to most showers I see. I clean it every couple of years, it just doesn't get dirty. No soap scum, grit, dirty patches, nothing to visually to tell me it's dirty. I notice it started getting dirty when

I know it's a webMD article, but still, it's irrational IMO. Also I almost have my PhD in microbiology. Unless you can actually see contamination, like someone shat all over the seat, I wouldn't worry. Toilets are the least of our problems.

I'm sorry but if you preface with "I am not a germaphobe" and then described extreme measures for your hygiene. You are somewhere in that category. Do whatever you want that makes you feel comfortable, I have nothing against it, it's cool.

I agrees with everyone that I use it for everything, basically as a second memory. But the most important is keeping track of my junk/dingaling. I make sure it stays the right size and I send the pic to random people for a quality check. That's why everyone else does it right?....

"On Android you just need to add in an entry for a phonetic name so it pronounces it correctly. Head into Menu > Edit, and scroll down to Add Another Field to choose a phonetic name."


There are explorer replacements that can do it. I used ExplorerXP in my XP days, still works in Win7 for me but could be beefed up for Vista+.

That's when you find out who your REAL friends are.

I like the wood seats because they aren't cold when you sit. I'm not sure about how long the coating will last and if it's that sterile. Plus, slivers....

I prefer refrigerator boxes myself.

what are your thoughts on wood toilet seats?


what do you mean by "jury is still out"? I'm not a lipid biochemist, (I'm a structural biologist) but my understanding is that we can't process trans-fat, it just accumulates in us messing with our cell membrane lipid dynamics. Artificial or not, the same problem should exist.

Umm did everyone forget Sonique? Greatest mp3 player ever!

You made my day, LOL

Any thoughts on this stuff?

I just started using NFC task launcher. My understanding is that you can have a second task as a toggle for the NFC tag.

My mattress doesn't give a good interest rate but the statements are reliable ;)

I know HTC is playing with this idea. Have the video play in the background via MHL and still have the phone usable, granted it would be stuck to a cord.

Yeah, I was thinking of T-rex pee.