
I just love how these top-level people think. These triple-A games release with like... no inventory sorting, you can only have 3 save files, no fast travel, no convenient button to perform some super commonly-necessary task, etc. They make them backwards.

I almost hope Blizzard NEVER fixes it, and these people waste all their time trying to exploit it and make everyone mad, and everyone just ignores it. :). That would be a victory.

They only believe these things because they’re too lazy to put forth the effort to reach reasonable conclusions. We have to work hard to make them have so little enjoyment in living this way that they actually start to think that some contemplation might be fun. :)

Whoa whoa... let’s not stereotype racists. :)

This is how you do it. Not by going out and starting #stopracism rallies against the person who did it. When someone’s dumb, you make their efforts worthless. Then, they don’t want to do them, whether they’ve decided to stop being racist or not.

I’ve never understood how a blanket-squelch somehow makes an effective point against one particular voice of people. “We’ve shut down all roads for one day, in a protest against drunk driving.”

So, NOT an April Fool’s joke? :)

There seem to be many deck styles that are now somewhat obsolete thanks to the existence of other deck factors. I still find it silly that I can build the best creature deck known to man out of Green cards, yet someone with Red cards can kill all my creatures and deal direct damage to me for half the mana I have to

It seems as though EA played a large hand in their lack of leadership, and their requirement to use Frostbite despite complaints about its imcompatibility with the project, etc. EA likes to crack whips, apparently, then say “WE didn’t code the game wrong or design it. We just told them it had to be filled with gorey,

The solution is to apply simple reasoning skills to the situation. If someone writes a new novel, they don’t need to come up with a world full of incomprehensible physics, in which beings made up of absolutely zero matter exist in a matter-less universe and converse using methods we human readers can’t even comprehend.

Haha... “We promise that our workplace culture is AMAZEBALLS and everyone here loves their job! We just don’t want anyone to share any of their experiences about it or provide any of these resplendant GlassDoor reviews of our company, first-hand. You’ll just have to trust us that we’re cool and don’t do anything

You don’t have to unlock them, but a game, by nature, has you overcoming restrictions to complete a goal. “You have to get this ball into that thing, but you can’t go out of bounds.” Generally, the whole point is that it would be EASIER if you didn’t have those restrictions. A game saying “try to do everything in your

To be fair, you also have an objective, measurable point about the consequences of certain game system designs. I realize you don’t want to stomp all over people’s opinions, but it’s okay for both opinions and objectivity to co-exist in parallel.

They could always:

In such an event, you could always try out a legendary technique known as saving up money, and buy/build a pretty noice gaming PC. The stigma of “it has to cost $2000 and be super complex in order to play anything” on PCs is a bit out of control.

I suspect they simply failed to design the game. :)

They already had Fallout 4's guts and engine, and a bunch of that (plus Fallout lore/theme) just happens to be quite enjoyable in a lot of ways. So, most of the fun of the game was pretty accidental. SO many of the problems in the game are simply on-paper mis-designs.

But that wasn’t the case in the original Diablo, where you were just a hero who fought and fought and fought all the way through Hell, itself, to destroy the evil that was Diablo! And then you decide that it sure would be dangerous if someone were to, say, find this evil soulstone prison and, say, shove it into their

Yeah... the “only” way, indeed. It’s not like you could just have the grind take a reasonable amount of time, and make it more fun and complex instead of more risky and time-consuming. That’s crazytalk...

While the reward structure is an improvement on several levels, good ole Destiny 2 is STILL guaranteeing the grind like only a robot brain could. Jesus... I’m glad Bungie doesn’t run a bank. “Oh, we’ll increase your interest rate on that savings account to something that will actually net you over 10 dollars per year,

On the one hand, this article poses a very good point regarding Steam’s ability to do more about this and how unfocused of a response the hand-washing one is. On the other hand, this article seems to support the trending opinion that it’s organizations’ responsibility to ensure that humans using their products or